Many of you will not recall the days of local rescue squads doing the old, "you call, we haul" thing. That was when the only basic training a volunteer needed was first aid, cpr and a drivers license.
I belonged to a volunteer fire department that was also the local rescue squad and that was how things were done in those days and the rural area. Put them in the ambulance and get then to the hospital. That was a long time ago. If you wanted to be in the fire department you needed to be on the rescue squad and you had to help with the clam bakes, tricky trays, bingo, dances or any other fund raiser.
The funny part is, I had to wait three years for an opening as all slots were filled. But wait I did, as did almost every other member of that fire company. And then the age of self indulgence and shirking personal responsibility to your community came into vogue. Now local fire departments from Maine to Florida and from South Carolina to California are begging for members. No waiting, all ya gotta do is volunteer. WHY ??? Why don't people volunteer any more ????
It is commendable to tell others how much you appreciate thier being volunteers, but volunteering YOUR time and effort is needed too. Everyone thinks the other guy will do it.
So think about it. Do your community a service and volunteer. The rewards are too numerous to mention but I will toss in a few for effect.
FIRST, long hours in a classroom.
SECOND, long hours at drills.
THIRD, being wakened at any hour. You are always on call, and you think a doctor has wierd hours.
FOURTH, you might save a life.
FIFTH, you might actually help someone who is not related, does not go to the same church or is a different race than you are. And you'll feel good about it.
SIXTH, at times it sucks.
SEVENTH, at other times it brings a tear to your eye and makes you pretty damn proud.
EIGHTH, who ever heard anyone make a negative remark about a volunteer fire or rescue person.
NINTH, if you are worried about lawsuits, don't be, you are protected by federal law.
TENTH, there are many good experiences and new friends included in the list of positive things you personally will benefit by being a volunteer fire or rescue person. And these, unlike Mastercard, are priceless.