Na$car gripes



Na$car should give the drivers a 10 minute mininum 'cool down' period before a camera and mike is jammed in their face. Same when they walk out of the care facility.

Networks should have a 7 second delay, same as your local radio call in show has, to protect our delicate ears.

If the network is eavesdropping on radio communications don't penalize the driver or team if a bad word is broadcast. Remember, they're eavesropping. I do believe I heard Martin Truex say the shifter was "f'ed-up" before he came into the pits/garage. A 7 second delay gentlemen would have spared me the trauma, :sarcasm:

If you do buy or rent radios don't byitch when you hear a bad word. These are grown men in a highly competitive sport where millions are at stake. Golly gee whiz ain't going to cut it.

Andy and DJ, when a team is communicating, don't bust in. Wasn't it Boyer who needed to know rpm and gear for pit road and we heard "ya got a copy" several times?

That's it for now, after a splendid roast beast dinner I have a slice of home made apple pie awaiting.:p
ABC didnt have to play it. I thought all there radio stuff was delayed anyway. There has been more than one time ABC/ESPN played a audio clip that didnt need to cause all it did was start ****.
Na$car should give the drivers a 10 minute mininum 'cool down' period before a camera and mike is jammed in their face. Same when they walk out of the care facility.

Networks should have a 7 second delay, same as your local radio call in show has, to protect our delicate ears.

If the network is eavesdropping on radio communications don't penalize the driver or team if a bad word is broadcast. Remember, they're eavesropping. I do believe I heard Martin Truex say the shifter was "f'ed-up" before he came into the pits/garage. A 7 second delay gentlemen would have spared me the trauma, :sarcasm:

If you do buy or rent radios don't byitch when you hear a bad word. These are grown men in a highly competitive sport where millions are at stake. Golly gee whiz ain't going to cut it.

Andy and DJ, when a team is communicating, don't bust in. Wasn't it Boyer who needed to know rpm and gear for pit road and we heard "ya got a copy" several times?

That's it for now, after a splendid roast beast dinner I have a slice of home made apple pie awaiting.:p

More like all the liberal pansy ass holes that keep complaining need to be drug out in the street and shot.
SST55 hit the nail on the head. In fact, I'd even go so far as to say get rid of the "in-car reporter" all together.

And listenng to the crew chatter is neat and all, but the networks need to show some common sense in what and when they play it. Don't just bust in live, ya never know what you'll hear (and honestly, it should be free game for whetever they want to say), and if you do decide to play it back later, make suure it's clear for airplay.

I remember last year when Kyle Petty got wrecked at Infineion, and the genious in the truck decided, about 2 minutes after it happened, to play Kyle's radion chatter from the moment he got hit..."what the fuk?!" is what came out of Kyle's mouth, and then of course the commentators had to apologize all over themselves.
That's it for now, after a splendid roast beast dinner I have a slice of home made apple pie awaiting.:p

So what kind of beast did you roast. There are several tasty ones that I can bring to mind. Right now we have a litter of baby possums that have taken up residence in the pine straw just off our back porch. The adults were doing what they could to steer us away from their nest. But then we started putting out table scraps. One day when they get bigger one of them may end up on my grill roasted...
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