OK, see if you can keep up with this.
At 5:00 AM Tuesday morning in West Valley, Utah, a man is parked on the side of a road putting up road signs. A 31-year-old woman pulls up next to him, and jumps out of her car. She is naked. She then hops into his car and drives off. So he hops into her car and gives chase while calling the police.
She crashes on property owned by Alliant Technologies (they make the booster rockets for the Space Shuttle). She escapes on foot, and hides behind a bush. Police and Alliant security search the property. When they find her she attacks an officer, but because she is still naked, and bloody from the crash, and muddy from hiding she is able to slip away. She then hops in a police cruiser and takes off.
Still on the Alliant property, she crashes through another fence, hits a dirt berm, and launches the police car 50 feet in the air Dukes of Hazzard style and crashes. Still naked, she takes off on foot again and scales a barbed wire fence. She finds the police waiting for her, and she is tasered. Thus ending one of the strangest chases I have ever heard about.
The police Captain said it best to the media: "It appears there may be mental issues involved."
OK, see if you can keep up with this.
At 5:00 AM Tuesday morning in West Valley, Utah, a man is parked on the side of a road putting up road signs. A 31-year-old woman pulls up next to him, and jumps out of her car. She is naked. She then hops into his car and drives off. So he hops into her car and gives chase while calling the police.
She crashes on property owned by Alliant Technologies (they make the booster rockets for the Space Shuttle). She escapes on foot, and hides behind a bush. Police and Alliant security search the property. When they find her she attacks an officer, but because she is still naked, and bloody from the crash, and muddy from hiding she is able to slip away. She then hops in a police cruiser and takes off.
Still on the Alliant property, she crashes through another fence, hits a dirt berm, and launches the police car 50 feet in the air Dukes of Hazzard style and crashes. Still naked, she takes off on foot again and scales a barbed wire fence. She finds the police waiting for her, and she is tasered. Thus ending one of the strangest chases I have ever heard about.
The police Captain said it best to the media: "It appears there may be mental issues involved."