I wrote a little rant in one of thatsracins' blogs today about how Nascar is a declining sport. One that is pricing themselves out of business, with high tickets, even higher food, and accmodations, making it nearly impossible for a family of four to afford a race weekend at the Cup level. I look at it this way....i'd rather go to Stafford, Thompson, Waterford, and a few other local tracks 8-10 times a season than go to 1 Cup event. I look at it as more bang for my buck, more racing for a lot less dollars. When i go to Vegas for a Race weekend it is $350 right off the top for tickets another $300 or more to fly, $500 or more to stay for a min. of 4 days, and then of course you have meals, beer, and souveniors, oh yeh forgot the shuttle service ...another $150. That isn't even counting doing all the Normal Vegas stuff! That is over $1200 easily, which in my book is a lot of money just to go racing. I told my buddy yesterday i can't justify going to Vegas next year if i start building a house( crossing my fingers on that) , it just doesn't add up. That will mean 2 years in a row i haven't gone, but i have seen some great racing here in Ma. on the local level. So fellow racing fanatics what are your thoughts on this? Do you think Nascar is pricing themselves out of business or do you think that people like us will continue to pay the ever increasing prices?