NASCAR donates driving simulators to FDNY



I posted this within another thread, but wanted it to get some notice.

Pretty dern cool of NASCAR!

NASCAR donates driving simulators to FDNY
The Associated Press

NEW YORK - The city is getting help to speed up the Fire Department and EMS from a perfect source: NASCAR.

The auto racing league donated four driving simulators to the FDNY to train fire and ambulance drivers in hopes of reducing response times and accidents. The FDNY will become the first municipal fire and emergency medical response program in the country to use simulators to train drivers.

"The city of New York means so much not just to NASCAR but to everyone," NASCAR president Mike Helton said Thursday. "After Sept. 11, we wanted to do something."

He was joined by four-time Winston Cup champion Jeff Gordon, Fire Commissioner Nicholas Scoppetta and other FDNY officials at a ceremony in front of the FDNY Engine 23 firehouse.

NASCAR, which does not use simulators to train race drivers, donated about $700,000 to help build the machines.

The FDNY is scheduled to receive them in February 2003, and they will go to Randall's Island, home of the FDNY's training facility, and Fort Totten in Queens, home of the EMS training facility.

Scoppetta said the FDNY has looked into buying simulators before but never had enough funding.

"This is going to be a terrific training tool," Scoppetta said. "It recreates the driving experience from the interior of the cab - the switches and conditions you might encounter."

Scoppetta tried the demonstration simulator with Gordon's help, and was impressed with its features.

The simulators are different - two are full-scale, motion-based machines. They are a fully interactive environment, one of which is designed to simulate New York City's challenges, including crosswalk signals and pedestrians.

The machines also recreate what it's like to drive at night or in fog or rain.

"They're getting experience behind the wheel without going on the streets," Gordon said. "It makes it safer for them."
I hope they don't give them the one that Todd Bodine,Jimmy Spencer learned on.They will take out The B.Q. Expressway barrier walls.:p
Abooja, I asked you about NASCAR simulators on the other forum. No reply, so I came to this one. It's been several months since I posted on this one. Need to learn how to use it since it's been changed quiet a bit from what I remember.
Originally posted by race4beer
Abooja, I asked you about NASCAR simulators on the other forum.  No reply, so I came to this one.  It's been several months since I posted on this one.  Need to learn how to use it since it's been changed quiet a bit from what I remember.

You did? Do I know you? Sorry if I'm confused.

I don't know nothin' about NASCAR simulators, I'm afraid to say. Just posted the article. :)
Originally posted by pbunch
I hope they don't give them the one that Todd Bodine,Jimmy Spencer learned on.They will take out The B.Q. Expressway barrier walls.:p

And how do you know about the BQE?! Been reading my posts? :D
Originally posted by race4beer
Abooja, I asked you about NASCAR simulators on the other forum.  No reply, so I came to this one.  It's been several months since I posted on this one.  Need to learn how to use it since it's been changed quiet a bit from what I remember.

Hey, R4B -- I figured out who you are! HK from TR. (Way too many initials here...)

I answered you over there, but encourage you once again to stick around here. Sooo much better than over there... :)
Ok abooja, I'll try to remember to spend more time over here. I posted on the other one a while ago and remember to come back here before I move on. This does seem to be a more pleasant atmosphere. I will miss EZ, he is some character, I often wonder if he means any part of what he says.
Abooja,I have been all over the big apple,I use to be in that area every week for 2 yrs.Been up,and down 1&9 more times than I care to remember.I delv.Meds,and Pharmacy products.I had more security than the Pres.Everone should see the big city once.I ran out to the island a lot also.Central Islip,Mellville,Huntington Station.Jfk,N.bergan,Bayonne Ocean Term.Elizabeth.Thats how I know about NY area. :)
Wow, pbunch. Sorry to hear that you've been so intimate with the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway. :p A weaker man probably wouldn't remember it quite so fondly.

I happened to be on the BQE just a couple of hours ago. As usual, I took car service (know that term?) from my folks' place to here. As usual, I could see lower Manhattan from across the East River as we passed by, with the new gaping hole in the cityscape. I can't help but stare at the missing towers each and every time I drive by that area. It always chokes me up at least a little bit. And that's probably the one thing that's keeping me from leaving NYC these days.
Abooja,I always stayed at the Hilton in Newark,I could see the Twins from my room,I can't imagine what it is like with them gone.People just have to know how big they really where to understand the realism of it all.:( I will be making a trip in feb next year to the area.I will see the the change for myself.
Pbunch, I agree that most people probably don't comprehend how much a part of NYC those towers were -- not to forget, all the people who died inside of them. My father worked in tower II for nearly ten years. I was there all the time as a kid. His company transferred to New Jersey exactly three days before the first bombing there. I can't imagine how much worse I'd feel if he were still working there on 9/11. Fortunately, he's been retired for a few years now.

Everyone should visit NYC at least one time. Even if you're predisposed to thinking you'll hate it, you should go. It's good for the city, good for the country, and something every American should witness once. Just because I want to leave doesn't make it all bad.
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