NASCAR launches initiative to make rules more clear


Team Owner
Mar 17, 2009
I never thought I would see this.

One of the changes might include allowing fans to download a copy of the rulebook as can in most major sports.

The changes are being made at least in part to make the rules and the sport more transparent to teams and the public, according to NASCAR Senior Vice President of Operations Steve O’Donnell.

“Better transparency creates a better, stronger relationship with the teams and the fans,” O’Donnell said. “… Ultimately to continue to grow the sport, that (transparency) is an area we felt like we can improve upon.”
Great. Now people will have to find something new to bitch about.
No doubt. Remember how much people bitched when Gluck posted excerpts. People will complain when it is published and others will complain about what's in it. I'm pretty sure that's in the avid fan's handbook somewhere. Andy's read it, we'll have to ask him. ;)
I think the rules and penalties are pretty much known now . What is not known is the rules and penalties covering stuff that hasn't been thought up yet . Nascar will put in provisional stuff like 'actions detremental to Nascar' that are catch all phrases to cover everything else that comes up . And add 'penalties to be determined '. Leaving fans with just about as much information as the have right now . Oh , and they will add a rule about messin with the hood flap spacers which wasn't in there last month . On the very last page , Nascar will reserve the right to make it up as the go along . After all , it is their series.:D
The problem is some people won't understand some of it or know where to find some of it.
Even with a PDF or handbook of every rule, what good is it going to do? Officials call the race, the penalties aren't up to a fan vote. Pretty sure the finest of rules of NASCAR can be googled on a whim. Just for the record, I'm in college. I have enough to memorize besides the inch regulation on spoiler height. Any true racing fan knows this idea looks great on paper, but doesn't make much sense practicality speaking.
Regardless of what NASCAR does there will always be random message board dorks that think they know better how to run NASCAR than NASCAR. No training or education? No problem.
Great. Now people will have to find something new to bitch about.
Regardless of what NASCAR does there will always be random message board dorks that think they know better how to run NASCAR than NASCAR. No training or education? No problem.

I for one think this is a good thing. Is it going to clear up every single misunderstanding that will occur from here on out? Of course not. Is it a step in the right direction? Absolutely.

I remember making a post on here a while back saying that more transparency with regard to the way NASCAR operates would only help them with the fans in the long run. I'm glad to see that they listened to me. :)
Regardless of what NASCAR does there will always be random message board dorks that think they know better how to run NASCAR than NASCAR. No training or education? No problem.

Your blind faith in nascar inc. borders on the religulous.
Apparently I have low standards because I don't go around calling women "fat chicks" :rolleyes: Moral high ground. I have it. Again.
The problem that came with Jeff Gluck was that he published only excerpts of the rule book he didn't like in a biased opinion piece criticizing NASCAR. SB Nation is a muh better site now than it was when Gluck was there.
Apparently I have low standards because I don't go around calling women "fat chicks" :rolleyes: Moral high ground. I have it. Again.
Is that the one thing you haven't called Danica ? Your mum must be so proud of you . You certainly do have the moral high ground.:confused:
Just curious as to what word or phrase you would use to describe a post that comes across as a bitch about people bitching.

"pot-kettle-black" kinda works for me . . .
I think your dictionary is broken.
I think your dictionary is broken.

I thought it was a pretty dumb idea at the time that I bought it but, now that you've pointed out the problem, I'm sure glad that I picked up the extended warranty.
Wonder how many copies they will sell and how many pages the rulebook is? I thought they had one rule..actions detrimental to stock car racing..the rest is a spec book.o_O
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