NASCAR Making Changes To Pit Road Officiating


Jan 15, 2013
Welland, Ontario

NASCAR will use its automated pit officiating technology next season, becoming the first sport to use technology to officiate each of its events. Steve O’Donnell, NASCAR executive vice president of racing operations, made the announcement Wednesday at a conference in Boston.

O’Donnell spoke at Front End of Innovation, a conference bringing together industry executives, practitioners, academics and experts in innovation, product development and research and development.

“Innovation helps drive NASCAR, and it is central to the sport’s evolution,” O’Donnell said. “There are several examples of it improving the sport, none more recent – and impressive – than Air Titan 2.0. The next wave of NASCAR innovation is the pit road officiating technology, which will increase the overall quality of in-race officiating.”

The pit road technology will employ numerous video cameras, which will be mounted to inspect and gather data – in real time – from all areas of pit road. Following O’Donnell’s overview of the new system, he discussed future incarnations, including the use of the collected data to improve the fan experience while in the stands at-track or watching at home on television.

I'm not sure if this has already been discussed... If it was I missed it.

If not Im wondering how we all missed it...... this article was written over a week ago lol
Interesting. For me, the article creates a lot of questions by not explaining exactly how the technology will be used or how it will improve the overall fan experience.
Without more information it seems like it could be just another Brian France gimmick. IMO, all of the recent changes to the sport have been detrimental from a fan perspective.
Interesting. For me, the article creates a lot of questions by not explaining exactly how the technology will be used or how it will improve the overall fan experience.
Without more information it seems like it could be just another Brian France gimmick. IMO, all of the recent changes to the sport have been detrimental from a fan perspective.
It does raise a lot of questions... good for discussion... perfect for this place.

Less people on pit road is safer... but I don't like that it will inevitably replace a lot of jobs.
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It sounds like soccer's goal-line technology, although I don't understand the fan experience aspect of it.
It didn't seem to me that it suggested the officials would be replaced by cameras, just that cameras and "technology" would be added to the officiating.
I just found this

It’s not exactly robots replacing human race officials, but the new APROT will be a significant step forward in officiating races — and in particular action on pit road — making NASCAR the first professional sport to have such extensive use of technology to officiate its events.

I think youre right by what it says there... hopefully they'll say more soon.
Does this mean we will have replays of debated pit road infractions and teams will be issued 1 challenge a race?
Here's the new NASCAR official.
Does this mean we will have replays of debated pit road infractions and teams will be issued 1 challenge a race?

Are they gonna red flag the race while the infraction is debated? I dont think that'd fly
hope it works better than the camera on a rope trick. or digger. They can't even keep the lights working for night races half the time. The Hendrick bunch are already working to hack the system.
Instead of timing lines on pit road, speeds will be continuously monitored all the way down pit road. No more speeding between timing lines.
This is why it died so quick last week. Not enough info.
I wonder when they'll improve the tires. Who the Hel cares about this stuff when Goodyear can barely make a tire that won't go down on you and cost you a win. :rolleyes:
I suppose it could detect if a car is over the line but can it detect an missing lug nut on any wheel. The current process allows an official to identify a problem immediately so the team can correct it before leaving the pits and avoid a stop and go to correct it. I don't see how an automated system can replace the current system; I am curious about how they plan to do it.

With any new process there will be problems to work out. And the cleaver teams will find a way to exploit it.
So they are gonna use ... Technology.
Maybe they could also use Science. Like, maybe Car Science or something.

Also, I think the drivers should use Food to have energy. I think Science says Food is good for you. Maybe there's some Food Technology they can try.

But definitely slap another coat of Technology on there. Can't have too much of that. I heard it has Electrolytes.
Instead of timing lines on pit road, speeds will be continuously monitored all the way down pit road. No more speeding between timing lines.
I'd be happy about this.

Also, the only thing that concerns me is how many officials will lose their jobs because of this?
Why? What's wrong with the current system? How will teams know when they missed a lug nut if there's no official to point it out? After the pit stop? That's not exactly helpful. No gonna jump the gun and say this is stupid, but it is unnecessary.

I'd like to see a double-sided pit road. Have a median in the center to prevent cross-traffic. Tunnels that connect the "track" side of the pits to the main infield. There'd be some good drag-racing-type battles coming off pit road.
The officials will still be there,looking for missing lug nuts, and everything else that they do now. The new stuff will monitor speeds, and things like if the cars are all in the pit boxes. I believe the monitors will be to check, if a car cuts off another car's entry or exit from the pit boxes. Or something like earlier this year with Kasey Kahne speeding up to avoid an accident. They have some good ideas, but I'm reserving judgment until I see how the implement them.
Mike Joy said to look out for sensors on the air guns that can tell whether the lugs are tight.
So far, the only one objecting to this propsed change is Chad Knaus!
Gonna see a lot of pissed off drivers & crew chiefs when they have to come in for a pit road penalty, but the technology got it wrong.
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