Nascar newbie



Hi everyone, I'm going to be in US in May and I've got tickets to Talladega. I'm arriving in Atlanta on the Saturday and I'm just trying to get an idea of what to expect from a Nascar race. So - questions - When should I get there? What goes on before the race? Are there any support races?

Also - I know it's a drive away, but will there be anywhere in Atlanta with Nascar fans enjoying a drink or 2 on Saturday night?

If you are driving to the track on Sunday ---- leave EARLY. Race traffic for a private vehicle is a bitch --- particularly if you are a newbie and don't know the territory.
1. Wear the most comfortable shoes possible --- you WILL do a lot of walking.
2. Comfortable clothes. Don't wear shorts --- you are asking for a very painful sunburn if you are not used to the sun.
3. Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen. You can't have enough. And use it liberally every hour or so. Don't forget to put it on the face and back of the neck.
4. Water, water, water. You can mix in a beer every now and then, but beer and heat can be a lethal combination. You paid good money
to go to a race. Passing out in the stands is not fun.
5. Wear a hat. Nose and ears hurt like hell when they get burned.
6. Be prepared to wait ---- for everything.
7. Have extra provisions in the car ---- after the race when everyone tries to leave at the same time turns into a nightmare.
8. Rent a radio at the track so you can listen in to the crews and race control. You'll learn more about what's happening.
Welcome to the forum Rokey . Don't be a stranger , post some pictures after you get home . The earlier you get to the track , the better , often the gates open around 9.00am (check the web site) there will be rows and rows of souvenir trailors and fan give aways .You will need a couple of hours just to take it all in before the race.
Hey Rokey... just do what I did. Post up a really dumb question, one in which the answer is so blatantly obvious, it almost hurts to ask. Something like, "How can Kyle Busch and Dale Jr. fans be such good friends?"

Take it from me, the "lessons" that'll come pouring in, will be an eye opening experience... more like eye watering!

Let the education begin... (lol)
Hey Rokey... just do what I did. Post up a really dumb question, one in which the answer is so blatantly obvious, it almost hurts to ask. Something like, "How can Kyle Busch and Dale Jr. fans be such good friends?"

Take it from me, the "lessons" that'll come pouring in, will be an eye opening experience... more like eye watering!

Let the education begin... (lol)
Nascar said that the rules state that the mounting holes have to fit the fastner, and that the rearend can't be mounted in a way that it can be adjusted. If this is true, then by them oblonging the holes would be in violation, and a pretty blantant cheating tactic. I think that Nascar is making an example out of them because they want to send a message to the rest of the teams that they are not going to tolerate them messing with the rules on this new gen 6 car. Nascar seems pretty serious about this new car.
Nope. I think Nitro got into the wrong thread. Must have inhaled something hazardous. :D
Wow! I must need to wear my gas mask more often when we warm the car up. I know sometimes I can get lost, but damn, I'm not even in the same ball park.:eek: I was answering a post where honu had asked a question about the Penske penalty. But, I can't even find the thread that he made the post in, now.:confused: Sorry TRL, I guess I'm not a very good multi tasker and I shouldn't post while watching tv.:)
TRL, I just found the thread that my post was intended for. It was intended for the "Chasing Hendrick 'not in spirit' of Nascar rules, thread.:oops:
TRL, I just found the thread that my post was intended for. It was intended for the "Chasing Hendrick 'not in spirit' of Nascar rules, thread.:oops:

Well dpk 'liked' your post which confused me even more . I figured ,if he understood it , then I was having a seniors moment .
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