Good article, but it only shows the predicament that the sport is in. It's kind of a dicotomy in that you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. Gone are the days of Lee Petty running a competitor into the wall on purpose or of fights in the infield ala Yarbrough vs. Allison times two. Those things will definitely attract attention and will bring in the fans, but the problem is that the people who pay the money for those guys to drive are now in power and don't want their products smeared with something that might offend someone. That's the way things go when they grow so big. The old days never saw all that writing on the quarter panels, and of course, the cost of racing wasn't anything what it is today. The Petty's, Allison's, etal were their own money in that they got it anyway they could, but mostly from race winnings, which wasn't much. They weren't the millionaires that are the teams of today and of course, the crowds weren't anything like the mobs we see at the track now days. However, Wally had it right when he said that they would never totally stop this type of reactions from the drivers, simply because of the nature of the sport.