Yeah, Nascar really cares about the teams, drivers, and crews.
They only care about the size of their wallets.
RobbieG, I take exception with your remark.
Week after week you criticize and condemn NASCAR, usually without logical commentary.
Please consider this. It was the France Family who created the jobs for people you mention NASCAR "really cares about", in your sarcastic manner.
It is NASCAR who brought this sport from the bullrings from New York State to Florida and the rest of the United States.
It was NASCAR who got the sport on television which led the sport to major corporation board rooms selling tobacco to detergents.
It is NASCAR that tries to keep a good image (although they do fail on occasion) and maintain a family sporting atmosphere.
It is NASCAR that brought sponsors to underfunded teams that otherwise might never have been able to continue racing during the lean years.
NASCAR is a business. No matter who owns it, it is a business.
Of course NASCAR and the France Family care about their wallets. They are the corporation unto themselves and since it was their idea, execution of the plan and the family money they gambled, the France Family deserve what they can make.
NASCAR has made some questionable calls and decisions in sanctioning races.
The team owners, teams, sponsors, drivers and fans know it.
Why does anyone think the compliment was presented about Bill France, Jr at his memorial service, being a "
benevolent dictator"????
Because he was a "
benelovent dictator".
Bill France, jr. took care of those within the NASCAR community who needed help, most the average race fan will never know about.
Bill France, Jr. has made decisions that favor one driver or team.
Bill France,Jr. did it to keep people coming to the races.
Members of the NASCAR racing community knew and went along with it.
Those that didn't or wouldn't, left. Most who left, tried to regain favor with the "
benevolent dictator". Those that regained entry were grateful and played by his rules.
That is how the game is played, not just in NASCAR but at work, in sports and in politics.
Yes, NASCAR is thinking about their wallet.
Yes, NASCAR is making money.
Yes, NASCAR does make changes as things take place, but since NASCAR owns the show, they can do those things.
OR, NASCAR could become what CART became and a few race team owners take the reins and possibly ruin the entire thing.
With that example and possibility on the line, I'll stick with the "
benevolent dictator" policy. I might not like it, therefore will not criticize it after each each race but reserve the right to do so on rare occasions.
Keep in mind, NASCAR is better than anything else out there today.
I might ask of those who constantly criticize NASCAR, reconsider your position.
Repeated posts of a negative nature make me wonder why those who criticize each week would bother wasting time complaining if it upsets them that much.
Granted there are times criticisim is justified, but it begins to grate when it becomes the same tune played on the same fiddle by the same player. And all are out of tune.
Just one more thought from the old man in Wake Forest.