@nascarasm's #DriversInAwkwardChristmasPhotos


Team Owner
Apr 1, 2009
Western PA
Jolo and kybu are perfect for them and Paul Menard is exicted about Christmas.
DPK you are out of control. Every image does deserve it's own post though..

Face swaps are the greatest thing to happen to the Internet since the fat kid with the light saber.
If you could see my physical facial expression for that Logano picture.

Once again, I cannot support JR with Dew because I spat it out all over the darn place.

I hope you're happy DPK.
Great job! Disturbing? Heck NO! Funny as the he!! though. After all, 'tis the season to be jolly, even at the expense of your favorite driver. ;)
I post them as I see them. Is there some kind of rule that I'm unaware of about posting multiple pics? Fill me in. :confused:

Ummm no. You took that post the wrong way. I guess I forgot to add the " :D " at the end of it. Lol
I don't know whether to leave this thread and never return, or to scroll through it again.
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