nascarcasm vs. the weed eater


Plank Owner
Sep 18, 2001
Deep in the heart of Texas
nascarcasm ‏@nascarcasm 2h2 hours ago
Like a true male, looked around to make sure no neighbor heard me shriek when hitting myself with weed-eater first.


nascarcasm ‏@nascarcasm 1h1 hour ago
Update: Wound cleaned & dressed. Wife has informed me of special weed-eater-safe device to prevent this from happening again called "jeans."

nascarcasm ‏@nascarcasm 1h1 hour ago
I will not let this weed-eater injury deter me. I will overcome. I will recover. I will whack again. OK that sounded bad right there...

nascarcasm ‏@nascarcasm 1h1 hour ago
I'm making bracelets that read #WhackStrong that I hope you'll all buy.

nascarcasm ‏@nascarcasm 25m25 minutes ago
(Casm has been treated and released from infield care center)

nascarcasm ‏@nascarcasm 11m11 minutes ago
Weed-whacker just got loose on me. Hate it for my guys back at the shop. And my epidermis. We'll regroup and whack again next week.

Weedeaters are the work of the devil. I will not use one. Mainly because I've been in nascarcasm's shoes and whacked the hell out of my ankle.
Lol wtf was he thinking? In all seriousness I'd love to put back a few beers with this dude.
Nascar should suspend weedeater that was beyond intentional.
Long pants help but it still hurts like hell and the bruises are pretty bad. I'm speaking from experience.
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