Nationwide COT Challenger

mike honcho

Feb 9, 2009
Found this pic on Challenger Nationwide Series Car
I like it.

I'm really digging the challenger style grill on the front because it makes it look more like the real car, but we'll see how long it lasts. My feelings tell me that car is going to have some terrible aero coming off the nose with the indented front.
Would be a whole lot nicer if they got rid of the cowcatcher in front. :rolleyes:
I like it.

I'm really digging the challenger style grill on the front because it makes it look more like the real car, but we'll see how long it lasts. My feelings tell me that car is going to have some terrible aero coming off the nose with the indented front.
Pretty darn awesome if you ask me, I like the fact they are using Muscle cars, kind of like the defunct T.R.A.C. Series was going to do.
BTW, anyone else notice the Challenger style embossed hood on the car? That's a nice touch. Gives it a lot more character. Even if they end up replacing the grill with a sticker, they should keep that.

neat..... but I agree with foehammer, I don't see the front end makin it in that configuration........ they would need another 40 hp to keep up at Daytona and
neat..... but I agree with foehammer, I don't see the front end makin it in that configuration........ they would need another 40 hp to keep up at Daytona and
I can't tell from the angle, I wonder if only the bottom is inset, and the hood starts right at the grille, with no top overhang?
I can't tell from the angle, I wonder if only the bottom is inset, and the hood starts right at the grille, with no top overhang?

There's some definate hood overhang there. You can tell because the shadows just under the hood on the grill are darker than on the grill itself. Thus implying that there is some type of overhang.

It might not be much, but it's there.
neat..... but I agree with foehammer, I don't see the front end makin it in that configuration........ they would need another 40 hp to keep up at Daytona and

Let's see what the Mustang and Camaro look like first.
The Mustang Nationwide COT was unveiled a few months ago.

That was just a concept drawing made on a computer. It could be a lot different.

This Challenger is clearly a design that has made it as far as the testing stages.
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