Need help



Im needing help with my driving and wonder if any one can give me some tips it will be much appreciated
well, i would have to see you run to give you some ideas.

On dirt, you dont want to run in the middle of the track in the turns, cause its slick and you have no grip, so move up about a foot or down the track about a foot to get some grip.
Thanks that will help a lot. but as far as weeing me run it will be my first year on dirt im used to it will be different
No problem man, good luck this year. :cheers:

if you need help with gear set ups get the June 2004 issuse of "Stock Car Racing"

Don't know if you can find any more casue it only displayed untell 5-25-04 but you can get a hold of the company and order a back issuse.
Thanks hoping to do good.Just hoping to have a good car
I should be racing next year, or at least i hope to be, just depends on if thats what the good Lord wants me to do! :)
All tracks aRE different. Some tracks you want to keep your momentum up on the outside and others the shortest way around is the fastest.

I like to back off just a little early and coast into the turn. Very little brake if any. The car will scrub speed when the back end steps out. I could useually get back on it before the apex and get a real good run down the next straight. Getting off the corner is key and you'll want to be in the lowest possible groove. You can't just mash the throttle either. You want to be gentle with it.

If the backend comes out to far on the exit of the turn, you are going to spin your tires and heat them up, wich will cause a loose condition. What I'm trying to say is you want the car to come off the corner straight. You do not want to try and push the front down the straight sideways.

Most importantly, just have fun. That is what you do it for.
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