Need prayer


Team Owner
Jun 12, 2002
North East, TN
My little one is back in the hospital. (unexpected) The rods had to come out of her back. Her spine was fused, so we didn't need new hardware. (that was a good thing) She has an infection from the surgery in Jan when rods were placed. It has slowly been growing. The Dr thinks things are going to be ok, but we will be on antibotics through a pic line for a few weeks. (4 to 6) If you have an extra few, please say a prayer.
KS, I wish the best for your young'un and prayers will be heading your way.
Kellogg, YOU know that my thoughts and prayers are ALWAYS with you and your daughter. You are special to me and I know that God will help her!
I hope every thing works out. I can relate I have L2-L5 Fused with rods from a fall I took. I wish you and yours the best with the condition.:)
Thank you all. She is doing great. (considering) She is on home antibotics (through Picc line) 3x's a day. She is having a easier time since the rods are out. She appears to feel better over all.
Wishing the best for your little one kelloggs5TLfan. I know all too well how difficult it is to control some infections.
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