Need some advice......


Staff member
Jun 14, 2002
Burleson, TX
I'm not sure if you have hard this or not, but there is a new dictionary definition:

NOUN: Slang A job, usually in the retail or service sector, that is low paying, often temporary, and offers minimal or no benefits or opportunity for promotion.
ETYMOLOGY: Mc(Donald's), trademark of a fast-food restaurant chain (from its mass-produced nature).

Now, my dilemma. My son is a freshman in high school. His World Geography teacher keeps making a reference to this word in his classroom. I am not aware if he makes reference to this word in any of his other classes or not. My son's name, Mak, an acronym of his middle name Mc Kinley, which correctly pronounced sounds like mack. The teacher, while my son is in his class, pronouncing the work mackjob. My son has taken offense to this, and I feel he has a right to do something about it. (Some additional background on the teacher, he's a complete ass. Not even his fellow teachers like him.)
My dilemma is how exactly would you handle this situation??? Would you file a formal complaint with the school? Would you just confront the teacher with your complaint?
Be careful and not put to much pressure on the teacher, he could make your son's 9th grade a living hell.
Originally posted by bowtie@Nov 14 2003, 03:11 PM
Be careful and not put to much pressure on the teacher, he could make your son's 9th grade a living hell.
:( It couldn't be too much worse than it already is.
Or go to a PTA meeting and embarass the teacher in front of everyone. :)
Originally posted by Old Ironhead@Nov 14 2003, 03:29 PM
Or go to a PTA meeting and embarass the teacher in front of everyone. :)
We don't have those. And, especially not at the High School.
Maj, while I have sympathy for you on this, you need to teach your son how to get over it. I didn't read in your post that the idiot teacher is referring to your son as McJob and if that is the case, then we're talking a totally difference situation. If however, the idiot is using the word to intentionally irk your son, again, this is a no no. However, if the idiot is just using the word in his everyday English usage, your son shouldn't be offended. Though you have shown that the dictionary shows the pronounciation to be mik-job, the chain has always been MacDonald's to me and thus, I'd just the term mack-job if I were to use the word.

This reminds me of the time when a certain politician used the word nigardly in his conversation. Well, you can guess that some people were really offended by the use of that word, even though it's meaning is no where near what offended them. They said that the sound of the word is what offended them. You son will no doubt be offended many more times in his life and needs to learn how to handle it. Sorry if this isn't in line with the other advice here, but it's something that he needs to learn.
Originally posted by buckaroo@Nov 14 2003, 06:30 PM
Maj, while I have sympathy for you on this, you need to teach your son how to get over it. I didn't read in your post that the idiot teacher is referring to your son as McJob and if that is the case, then we're talking a totally difference situation. If however, the idiot is using the word to intentionally irk your son, again, this is a no no. However, if the idiot is just using the word in his everyday English usage, your son shouldn't be offended. Though you have shown that the dictionary shows the pronounciation to be mik-job, the chain has always been MacDonald's to me and thus, I'd just the term mack-job if I were to use the word.

This reminds me of the time when a certain politician used the word nigardly in his conversation. Well, you can guess that some people were really offended by the use of that word, even though it's meaning is no where near what offended them. They said that the sound of the word is what offended them. You son will no doubt be offended many more times in his life and needs to learn how to handle it. Sorry if this isn't in line with the other advice here, but it's something that he needs to learn.
very well put buckaroo, I second that post :D
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