Nelson Mandela dead at 95

I know it's not important but I just had to share with you guys what Paris Hilton said about this. Again, I wouldn't share this but it's beyond words.

I'm hearing that Paris thing might be a fake but it wouldn't surprise me either way.
That's one reason I don't do Twitter or Facebook, too many personal account's are being hacked.
Nelson Mandela was an incredible human being. He was a man that made personal sacrifices for the betterment of his people. He was the first Black President of his country.
Unfortunately, the first Black President of our country, doesn't share the same love for his people and pales in comparison as a leader and as a humanitarian.
No, because I don't care one way or the other what she say's.
Could be but it does make you wonder doesn't it.

Not really. I don't have a twitter account, but I see fake celebrity tweets all the time on the internet.

Even if it was real, IMO it was in poor taste to post it on this thread.
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