Never a dull day at the old trailer park


Plank Owner
Sep 18, 2001
Deep in the heart of Texas
This was just written by a friend of mine in Alabama. She was looking out the window of the office when this happened --- not an hour ago.

"It's been a slow day at the old (business) until just moments ago...EXCITEMENT at the trailer park across the street !! Dude in green truck got out with a big stick and started chasing Camaro fella around while yelling many fine expletives. Even I was IMPRESSED at the words he strung together like fine pearls on a string as he stalked his adversary with what appeared to be a large bamboo rod.
Then, older lady came out of the trailer, paused to light her cigarette, menthol I'm sure, and then proceeded to throw empty bottles of Busch Or Natty Light or whatever fine beer bottle selection the gentleman had in his pickup bed at him, all whilst ALSO spewing forth a stream of expletives as forceful as a stream after a hard rain. I can only assume relations exist, as this talent is rarely bred on it's own.
Meanwhile, as the fracas raged on, there is a girl in the pickup yelling "IMMA GONNA CALL THE LAW" and "LET ME OUT!" through her half rolled up window, and then I see her crawl across the car seat strapped in the center of the cab, then over what looked like a stuffed dog and out the driver's side. Apparently the young ladies interior door handle is astray. Shockingly she managed this feat of acrobatic magic without dropping HER cigarette, which she managed to dangle from her lips while screaming at the same time. Raw talent, I'm sure.
Then, like a clown car, others with lit cigarettes came streaming out of the trailer, including a guy with OVERALLS AND NO SHIRT. About this time "THE LAW" arrived, and they quickly turned like roaches with the lights turned on and headed back into the trailer.
At last check THE LAW is still over there, sorting out the mess. I wanted to take more pictures but A) I'm here all week and I kind of like my car and all my limbs , B, they are all around back at what I can only assume is the "main entrance" to the aluminum shangri-la C) If I'm considered a witness it may cloud any future political aspirations I may harbor and finally D) I don't want them to think I called it in because OMG I WANT TO WATCH THIS SHOW ERRDAY Y'ALL.
If only the woman had been wearing a housecoat and pink curlers, it would have been PERFECT."
UPDATE: The cop car just left with 2 in the back.
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