New baby pics



I have not seen this yet so here goes.

Edit: since Splunge was so nice to resize and post the pic, I figured I could delete this one. ;)
Oh well, didn't work. My wife said she would try to size it, but if you think he is cute, you should see his daddy.
Here...for those who don't have 42 inch monitors! :lol:

A real cutie!


  • racerx11.jpg
    19.8 KB · Views: 104
Originally posted by racerx11@Apr 26 2004, 11:15 AM
Oh well, didn't work. My wife said she would try to size it, but if you think he is cute, you should see his daddy.
hehehehe :lol: :lol:
Thanks splunge, would you care to share with the semi retarded how you accomplished this fantastic feat.
What a beautiful little one!

His MOM must be the beauty in that house LOL
You need image editing software to 'resample/resize' the image. I used Macromedia Fireworks (like photoshop)...

The original was 1800x1500 pixels (guessing)...

I resampled it to about 280x360...

BuckyBadger had a link to some freeware in the testing area under the "Test" thread. I haven't checked it out, but it should work....

Always keep a copy of the original though, so you can go back to the full quality version. You won't get a good picture off of the image I posted (too small), but the original should be fine....

Hope that helps and doesn't confuse....
What a cutie-patootie! You have the right to be a proud pappa!

Here is a link to go visit a thread that smack500 started some time ago. It has some very useful programs and several that you can download to resize your pics. Linky-poo!
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