New Commercial Idea



Now that we know Elliot Sadler is alright after the wreck on Sunday...If I was in the M & M's marketing department, I would make a commercial around that crash with a couple of dizzy M & M's getting out of the car. What do you guys think of that kind of promotion? Too scary?
Only if it's done without showing the wreck itself. IMO that's promoting sensationalism. I get ticked off when the NASCAR commercials show nothing but wrecks.

It could be funny.
That idea could be used with some dizzy m & m's getting out of the car at Bristol maybe. That would be cool. :D

Have the M & M's going around the track in a mini M & M's tube things and wreck, and they all get out dizzy. ^_^
That sounds like a good idea, but like TRL is right don't show the wreck. It would be funny for the guy m m's getting out of the car and Sadler and the green girl m & m come up on the scene. A good line would be--hey fellows the track's over there! :)
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