New Doctor here

Oh, how I know the trials of finding a new doctor. I, too, have a female doctor and I LOVE her!

Very happy to hear you've found one. :)

My last one was crap, TRL.

I use my inhaler twice a day.

This new Dr looked me in the eye and said, "your weight gain is partially caused by the meds (mental health) you are on. I repeated what she said, to make sure I was hearing her right. "Yes, its not all your fault, she said."

I just about cried.
Not to worry Lisa...... I work with a guy...... (it's been for 27 years now)...... a few years back.... probably 7 or 8.....his eyesight got really bad... he went to the eye doctor to get his prescription changed..... the eyedoctor sent him to a medical doctor and he found out he had diabetes..... It scared the hell outta' him... the doctor gave him medicine and gave him a diet to follow..... he followed that diet religiously..... within a month his vision changed so that he didn't need glasses..... then.... after another month it came back to the level where his glasses he had were just right..... by following that diet..... he doesn't take any medications for it anymore ....... When he went to the doctor at first he weighed 235....... he has been a steady 170 for the last several years...... You can do it...... diet is all important..... that's with all of us..... medications aren't good if you can avoid them..... the whole country is over medicated because doctors have not been trained in the ways of nutrition and besides that they get kick backs from the pharmaceutical companies..... one medication calls for another to counteract the side affects..... also..... fresh vegetables will help immensely..... if you buy stuff at the grocery.... read the ingredient label..... if it's filled with stuff you don't recognize....... don't buy the crap........the additives in all our food now are not good for us.......

You will be fine..... just follow a strict diet that your doctor recommends.... you will lose weight and be able to slowly throw all the medication away........
The diabetes medication is making me so nauseous. I feel awful.
Tell your doctor........ something is not right..... if she won't listen....... change doctors....... go to a doctor that listens to what you are saying instead of a doctor that thinks they are Jesus Christ and that you are the stupidest person in the world..... sometimes you get those..... more often than not..... it's really tough to weed out a good doctor..... just because they are ''so called professionals'' doesn't mean they know what they are doing...... they spent the money to get the education and license..... doesn't mean they didn't graduate at the bottom of the class.......Diabetes medication shouldn't make you feel nauseous....
Metformin side effects

Nausea, vomiting, stomach upset, diarrhea, weakness, or a metallic taste in the mouth may occur. If any of these effects persist or worsen, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly. If stomachsymptoms return later (after taking the same dose for several days or weeks), tell your doctor right away. Stomach symptoms that occur after the first days of your treatment may be signs of lactic

I'm ok. The nausea is better today. My legs are still weak. I have a Dr appointment in the morning. She's keeping a close eye on me.
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