New Here



Thought I would stop in and hello and look forward in chatting with ya'll.
Helloooooooooo Sterling40. Kick off your shoes and stay awhile.
As you can tell SterlingSilver_40, you can have what ever "handle" you desire (within reason) but it will be shortened if only for convenience sake. And, I would also like to welcome you to the forum. As I have told so many others that came before you, most of us don't bite here and those that do, well, they've had their shots. So, just pull up a chair, grab a keyboard and post away! :cheers:
Hey SS40 welcome! Hope to see lots of good post form you. BTW, Sterling is one of my favorites, just wish he would drive a chevy.
Welcome and we look foward to chatting with you! Looks like you got some Nascar blood so you should fit in quite well with most everyone except a few odd balls here and there... :p

Please feel free to pull up a keyboard and hang around!

Please clean up after you leave for the evening! :) and get used to some of my kittys! :katsip:


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