New Indy qualifying

It looks like bump day is the first day. At least they kept the four lap tradition.
Basically. Considering Sunday has been a glorified practice session recently, it probably had to be done. Watching Jourdain trying to get in all day last year in an entirely underwhelming car was tough to watch.

I think points should only be awarded on Sunday though.
Basically. Considering Sunday has been a glorified practice session recently, it probably had to be done. Watching Jourdain trying to get in all day last year in an entirely underwhelming car was tough to watch.
Yep, bump day was pretty much uneventful when they barely had enough cars to fill the field.
This literally breaks my heart. Qualifying at Indy used to be one of the most anticipated, exciting, thrilling...

It's like those bumper stickers you see on Jeeps and Harley owner's cars: If I have to explain it, you just won't understand.

I despise this 'fast 9' $hit because sooner or later, the guy who hangs it out and goes the fastest on Pole Day in his first try will not end up on the pole.

The Indianapolis 500 should be able to stand on its own esteem and sense of history.

Here's Robin Miller's take on it:
Regardless of whether any spectators show up for the road course race or the Fast Nine shootout leads into an NBA playoff game, the fact IndyCar has a presence on national television for the whole month is huge.

I don't like the changes at all. One thing I am wondering is, what if 34 cars show up again and a big name driver hits the wall in qualifying? I don't see how they can have the car repaired in a couple hours to make another run to get in. I am sure Ganassi or Penske would have no trouble pulling out an extra car but what about Wilson, Pagenaud, or Bourdais?
I don't like the changes at all. One thing I am wondering is, what if 34 cars show up again and a big name driver hits the wall in qualifying? I don't see how they can have the car repaired in a couple hours to make another run to get in. I am sure Ganassi or Penske would have no trouble pulling out an extra car but what about Wilson, Pagenaud, or Bourdais?
Or, as Miller says in his piece, weather plays a factor on Sunday?
As for Penske, Ganassi, or Andretti 'borrowing' a ride if needed, the precedent has been set by Penske in 1995.
I don't like the 9-car shootout idea. I do like the qualifying process for the other races but Indy is a special race with a rich history, it is one race where tradition should be maintained. I understand why the month long buildup to the 500 has been curtailed over the years. I do like the addition of the May road race at Indy; that adds to the month of Indy replacing some of the lost traditions.
I don't like the 9-car shootout idea. I do like the qualifying process for the other races but Indy is a special race with a rich history, it is one race where tradition should be maintained. I understand why the month long buildup to the 500 has been curtailed over the years. I do like the addition of the May road race at Indy; that adds to the month of Indy replacing some of the lost traditions.
I liked your post so you'd get the credit, but disagree about the road race addition. The people sitting around the big table at The Speedway these days are so out of touch that they accepted the worst recommendations from a consulting agency with no interest in the primary customer's wants.

I'm not against the road course race, and plan to be there, but the month of May has always held enough potential for thrills and possibility to stand on its own.

Please stop chasing TV ratings.
Please stop chasing TV ratings.

Unfortunately that seems to be the way sports works now days. Whenever ratings takes a dip or people complain they look for rules to change. Indy qualifying, the ratings have gone down because what has happened with the series, not to mention most years there lucky that there is more than 33 cars. So they change the rules. Just as Nascar, people year after year complain about the chase and instead of getting rid of it they are constantly changing the chase rules. Same can be said about the NFL, people have been complaining about the extra point attempts and it looks like they might change that as well.
What I don't like is that the first three spots on the grid will be determined by aggregate times. I hope it rains on the second half of Sunday so they have to scramble to come up with another stupid idea for qualifying. This event has thrived for over one hundred years, most of that is because of the traditions, not in spite of them. The only thing that has survived is the number of starters and the distance run. How long will it be before they change that too.
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