New Moderator Petition



Seeing that wounds left have not been healed, things still roam about our forum, I get punished for defending the minority while the ones attacking the minority are left unpunished. At this point, I will ask for a new moderator. A certain moderator says she is disappointed in me, I was only defending the ones that needed to be defended and who have been smashed left and right, as a real righteous moderator should do, while someone else she compliments and lets off with a slap on the wrist. When and how long will this be allowed to continue? How ? Answer my question ! It isnt rhetorical.

From now on, Majestyx, you and I can no longer be friends. For that I am sorry, I am still pondering as to why it should be. Believe me, I didnt want it to come to this.

At this point, I have seen enough, I may not have been on the forum long enough as many of you claim, but I have seen it all, and I have seen enough. I am asking for a new moderator be assigned to the General Chit-Chat forum at once. A new moderator who is unbiased, who will correct the wrongs and make the rights and have total neutrality for anyone. Also I will ask for an apology thread to anyone who was offended during this ensuing time and that will be my last request here on my time on the forum.

There have been members that have made worse transgressions as you claim I did. They are the ones who should be punished.

I have seen it all and I have seen enough and it has come to here on my part. I have come to the brink of leaving many times, corner or ban me if you must, however, I am only speaking out against the forum leaders, nothing more. Nothing will change, nothing will really happen, I'll be banned of course or I will have left, whatever comes first. A new moderator should be appointed. I cannot stand what is going on any longer !!!!!!!

That is all.... and that will be all from me.
Another case of can't get my way so I'll throw a fit and then take my ball and go home!! All I can say is GO HOME! Since when do you have the nerve to CALL for a new mod! :angry: YOUR OPINION is not all that matters on here. All the mods on this board do a great job----and for you to say otherwise is ridiculous and childish! Who made you the defender of the down trodden, the poor, the huddled masses. Do you really think they give a care what you say on here or anywhere else for that matter. It's a RACING FORUM--not political or religious forum. True this the general chit chat area, but that's just it chit chat, not see if I can save the world in a single bound. If you can't handle the criticism then don't put your opinion out there for all the world to see. It's your right to express your ideas, theories, or opinion, but as it is your right, so be it for other people to exercise their rights also. Stop this nonsense and start growing up---if you don't want us to know your 16---stop acting your age.
You said it all SGbg! My little brother acts just like that!! Maybe a petettion to get rid of spoiled kids would make a good post!! :angry: :angry:
I'm not gonna take sides here, but I do think there should be more done than just a warning to some of posters on here. Make a '3 strikes and your out' system... what could go wrong?
All I can say is that while this is a racing forum, there was a thread started that had some rather inflammatory and closed minded remarks made...most of which were rather offensive...while I haven't been here very long, nor do I claim any kind of maturity or seniority over anyone, there does seem to be some preferential treatment going on...not that I've ever had my feathers ruffled, but with the objective eye I have, I can honestly say that exceptions have been made.
NOT THAT anyone is trying to save the world, but when a member makes outrageous claims based on their own belief system...without any consideration for those with differing opinions....AND THEN someone merely tries to defend those being speculated on, it makes no sense (to me) that one is smiled at and the other called down like a puppy who peed on the floor.
Originally posted by fergy1370@Jan 22 2004, 01:19 AM
Dont laugh at him fergy, you were the one involved in the bashing as well.
A good quote for this entire board to live by...

"Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one!"

A new moderator needed? OH HELL NO!

Maj, you do a damn fine job here as do the other mods. Maybe you just need a bigger hammer? :owquitit:

Here's to the Mods! :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
I cant wait for daytona, i think some here have to idle of minds when there are no racing.
Happy i really cannot believe you are hell bent to defend a spammer. a guy that never said a word. he copied and pasted 6 post and its like your his best friend. Im sorry if this hurts you but "get over it" i could do like other sites and say RACING talk ony. but i dont. that would be silly, we all have more going on in our lives than just racing.
As for replacing MAJ, NOT ON YOUR LIFE. she does a great job. She handles herself very well.
We are going to be adding a couple of more mods, but not to this particular forum.
as for punishment for offenders we have done more in the last month than i do at any of my other sites put together. we have peoples stuck in the corner, and have banned quite a few. You guys are defining the type of members you want with your request. you say corner we do it. you say ban we do it. but remember some of them were because they posted in the wrong forum or dug up old post. or spammed a forum.`
and know your implying that im stiflling freedom of religion/speech by doing exactly what you have asked for. NO spamming. See my delima?
Maj does a great job here.

She has been patient and fair with all.

I have left other forums because of the way they were managed. I left this one once before but returned when there was a change in management.

My suggestion is that if you don't like it here....... leave! BUt don't expect everyone to change to the way you want the world to be.
Man, talk about a damned if you do, damned if you don't job. What I don't understand, is how come a thread like this hasn't been completely pulled? What a waste of space this is.

Since Maj is from Texas, I know she is tough as nails...but I'll still give her a big hug anyhow!
29, we'll miss you being such a _______if you go. Calm down and think about your post before hitting that submit button!

ALL the Mods here are fair and give warnings when one steps out of line (BELIEVE me, been there).

Thanks and KUDOS to Admin and Mods!
Originally posted by kat2220@Jan 22 2004, 04:31 PM
29, we'll miss you being such a _______if you go.
and you start a post saying that you're tired of the bashing going on? :unsure:

This whole thing is blown out of need for anyone to leave or stay P.O.'d. One person said something he thought was right, somebody said something else they thought was right, then somebody posted something that proved a point to what the first poster said. Whoopee twinkle....Get over it, life goes on.

I don't think the mods are against any one person. But if a person has been warned several times, you're gonna be on the radar screen...meaning they are going to keep an eye on you.

Being a mod is tough. You have to make a decision that will affect a person and that person's friends. Banning isn't always the answer but you have to do what you think is right. Regardless of what you do, someone will find a fault with it...

Seems this little 'petition' has backfired just a little on you Happy.I hate to see this kind of silliness.What a bummer.

2 points and I will shut up:

1. Maj and the other Mods do a great job. I support them.

2.Happy---for such a bright kid, you let your youth overide your common sense this time.Show me what an adult you can be:admit you overreacted, aplogize for your childishness and get back here with us.

I have a whole lot more I could say--- but for once I am gonna shut up.
Come on Happy... you can't be gone forever. Just apologize, and lets move on. Only one more month until the real convos start!!
yeah, we need a stronger youth representation...there aren't a lot of us.
Oh boo hoo. Take your toys and go on home.

This is why folks should monitor their children on the internet. If you can't run with the big dogs don't get off the porch. Puffing up, crying and demanding that a moderator be replaced just because you bit off more than you can chew...nice going. That kind of mindset will really get you ahead in life. The big bad world's a tough old place, and this may come as a shock to you but not everything is going to go your way. Nobody owes you squat just because you're you. Tuck your tail and skitter off now. Shoo.
For fear of being conspicuous in my absense...

Maj does a very good job here. She treats people with respect even when they disagree with her opinion (it seems there is a lesson to be learned there).

I am not going to pile on anybody in particular here. I will just say that one of life's hardest lessons to learn is that not everyone agrees with you, but it doesn't mean they don't have the right to speak their opinion no matter how stupid it is. A lesson I myself have had to remind myself of with quite a few posts on here recently.
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