new record??


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jun 11, 2002
Marietta, GA
seems busy tonite, GREAT!!!

Are we getting close to the record???

That one looks like he is getting ready to tell a joke,"Hey did you hear the one about":p
Graet cat Kat,
Looks like he is an Elvis impersonater.............or just did a pinch of snuff.......... can't figure which. Just how big is your cat library?
Originally posted by Walrus_3
Graet cat Kat,
Looks like he is an Elvis impersonater.............or just did a pinch of snuff.......... can't figure which.  Just how big is your cat library?

Relatively new, cuz someone's husband (wink) taught me how to do it.

PURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR and send me another email- lost your addie

hehehe see below
Man that guy has more crack than Harlem.:p He needs a new butt,His has a crack in it.
Hey Kat,
Check email, sent you one before I got on here. Let me know if you got it.
That last jokes almost scary.............Hehehe
3 More people online and we'll bump up the record tonight, about 27 minutes left............can we do it?
Hope we go for it and break the record! Found this cutie while browsing the other day. Thought you would like this one:
LOL:thumbsup: That's a good name for it. But I know how hard it is to give a cat a bath. This one doesn't look that happy!:D Glad I don't have to worry about him stalking me at night!
Yeah, cats is a trip. Someplace back in the old chrome horn or grin and bare it, there's a post by Rubbinsracin I think, that deals with giving a cat a bath by putting it in the toilet and closing the lid. Actually quite funny, my cat hates a bath. It's after midnight (if I was J.J. Cale I might write a song) and I think we were one short of beating the record, last I looked.
What's harder that giving a cat a bath is getting cow slippers on a pig. Never tried and never will!:)
Looks too challenging for the likes of me................funny picture though.
Originally posted by Walrus_3
Yeah, cats is a trip.  Someplace back in the old chrome horn or grin and bare it, there's a post by Rubbinsracin I think, that deals with giving a cat a bath by putting it in the toilet and closing the lid.  Actually quite funny, my cat hates a bath.  It's after midnight (if I was J.J. Cale I might write a song) and I think we were one short of beating the record, last I looked.

Hey Walrus, THAT WAS ME, I'll find it and put it back in the forefront.

Sorry Kat,
My bad, brain old. That's a funny piece and I thought it fit well with where this thread has gone. Did you get my email?
You just stay out in front of me. A BIG HOORAY for all of us. Racing-Forums ROCKS.:beerchug: :calpping: :dazzler:
Originally posted by Walrus_3
Sorry Kat,
My bad, brain old.  That's a funny piece and I thought it fit well with where this thread has gone.  Did you get my email?

Yes sweetie, and I found the cat bath thing too. play with the kitty and find some pics of your own to send me or post so I can save 'em,:D

OK Kat,
Playin' now with the kitty.......kitty fun......kitty soft........Oh no, can't put kitty in pocket. Ow, Ew, cut, scratch, ouch........kitty bad. I put kitty away now.
Roger that, it's a big 10-4. I'm so proud of ya'lls. Paul's got a great place.
Originally posted by Walrus_3
OK Kat,
Playin' now with the kitty.......kitty fun......kitty soft........Oh no, can't put kitty in pocket. Ow, Ew, cut, scratch, ouch........kitty bad. I put kitty away now.


This kitty only does HIZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ at stupid people or things I get pizzed about.....
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