NEWMAN Helps Put Out Fire!


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Staff member
Jun 11, 2002
Marietta, GA
Newman puts out fire: #12-Ryan Newman and a Leatherman helped control a fire that threatened to engulf Sledgehammer Charlie's in downtown Lenoir [NC] Monday afternoon. Chris Barlowe and Jeffrey Rocks with Gateway Grading were having lunch with NASCAR driver Ryan Newman at Sledgehammer Charlie's discussing a business venture, according to Barlowe and Rocks, when the fire started. “Our lunch had just arrived when the restaurant filled with smoke,” Rocks said. Barlowe, who used to work with Lenoir Fire Department, asked where the roof access was, and Barlowe, Rocks and Newman climbed up to the roof. Once on top, they saw a vent system cover. If not for Newman's Leatherman, a knife-like tool, the men still may have been trying to get to the fire when Lenoir arrived. However, Barlowe said Newman used the Leatherman to remove the bolts to the ventilator cover while he used a fire extinguisher on the flames. “Once they got the top off, Ryan and Chris expended every fire extinguisher (they had),” Rocks said. “Instead of running away (Newman) ran to the fire."
“Ryan saved the day,” Barlowe said. Fire Chief Ken Briscoe said he saw Barlowe on the roof, but he didn't know a NASCAR driver was working reserves for the department as well. “When (Barlowe) came down he was telling me he and this other guy took fire extinguishers to knock this fire down,” Briscoe said. “I thanked him and said ya'll did a great job.” Then Barlowe told the chief he may want to thank the man that helped him. “I walked over there and said, ‘Gosh! Ryan Newman,'” Briscoe said. “He said, ‘Yeah.'” Briscoe said he thanked Newman again for helping knock the fire down until Lenoir's firefighters arrived on the scene, and Newman told him not to worry about it. “He was very personable and polite,” Briscoe said. “He did a great job up there knocking the fire down.” By Monday evening, the entire report wasn't complete, but Briscoe estimated around $12,000 to 15,000 in damages. A Sledgehammer Charlie's employee said the restaurant may be open this weekend, but more than likely will be closed until next week.(News-Topic)
this could get fun if Ryan starts messing with Tony...

"Smoke gets doused by Newman" or some other quippy quote....

Now I guess we need a new nickname for Ryan....

The Extinguisher
The Fireman

Wow...those are really bad. I'm really sorry.

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