Newmans team Fined!?!?!?



I was listing to teh radio and they said that Nascar fined Newmans team an undisclosed amount for failing post race expection. How was that car able to get inspected??
Maybe some sort of safety violation! Or it could have been just a joke!!
The #12 car was impounded by NASCAR following the race, perhaps this is what the radio was alluding to. Have heard nothing about any fines though.

There are two explanations for the impound floating about. One is that NASCAR was unhappy with the way the car was shedding certain parts as it tumbled and rolled. Many of the parts are required to be tethered to the chassis to prevent them from flying inot the grandstand or other areas where they might present a danger. An adjunct to this is that NASCAR was also concerned with the way the entire rear end housing came out from under the car. Might be a question on proper part construction in the trailing arms or something.

The second explanation floating around is that NASCAR was pleased with the protection the car provided Ryan and wants to further inspect the roll cage and chassis construction as part of the ongoing driver safety program.

If some violation was found with either the tethers or rear end construction during the inspection I suppose it would be possible for a fine to be levied. I have not heard or read anything since the initial impound of the car.
Good to have you back, HS.

I know the hood and the front tires are tethered on, and I only saw one of the tires come off after it had been hanging onto the tether for awhile. Cars shedding pieces like that isn't that uncommon, so I'm sure Newman's team will not be fined in any way. I"m just glad Newman was okay.
They'll fine him for crackin' on that pit lizard Jeannie Zelasko. :lol: :dual9mm:
Thanks rpm,

I don't think the #12 team will fined either. But since I saw it written that there was rumors of some concern, figured it should be mentioned. My observation, from afar and without any real way to measure the impacts, was the rear end did come out from under the car after contact easier than I would thought. The commnetators mentioned also how the trailing arms were bending like "pretzels". Off the top of my head I can't visualize that happening in other tumbles I've seen, not that it hasn't happened before.

I gut feeling is that the NASCAR people just want to compare the damage to the black box data collected and see if further improvements need to be implemented. I think that the fact the car went airborne, somewhat attributable to loss of the right rear, might be lead them to investigate that area.

And without question the number one factor is that Newman was uninjured.
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