News about Mike McLauglin



This was posted on the Mike McLauglin message board!!! Seems like it might be some huge news!!

"Dont miss the start of the Busch broadcast on Saturday. I will leave it at that, but if you have to drop everything to get to the TV in time, do so"

Mike's fans are great. They have jumped behind Mike in these last few weeks and with support from the Fans and soem of Mikes freinds Mike is in the BGN race with a very fast car and a great shot at winning!! XM radio jumped on board to help Mike out for Daytona as well as Mike has rasied enoguht money to go to the Rock and with help from the Orlenas Casion it seems they might have enough money to go to Vegas as well. With what ever this news is it sounds like he might be able to go farther than Vegas. I hope so!!!
Mike was to race with tommy baldwin for the Rock but it was reported that there has not been an entrie submitted yet for Mike. At his message board they are sayign that Mike will once again be drivign the #39 Jay Robinson car at The Rock
Magic shoes! Always awesome to see him runnin good, wonder what it'll be.

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