News :(



Okay y'll need some shoulders about now.went to dr.apt this morning b/c I started having strange attacks.throat would swell up get sore making it hard to breathe.dr. checked my thyroid at the time i could barely swallow.gland is now isn't working.been on it for a month straight.i am going through an ultra sound see if gland has progressed to thyroiditis.(his words)was told if i do not go on meds condition can make me infertile.if i go on them got side effects and birthdefects to worry about when i start family.right now i am trying really hard w/diet but getting no where.i can no longer cry anymore b/c will bring on a severe attack (feels like leg or muscle cramps but on throat like an invisible person strangeling me) haven't been sleeping well b/c had one during night so now i sleep light.don't know what to do anymore.:(
Fourisis, it seems that you are in quite a pickle. I realize that you desperately want to have a family of "your own", but at what cost to YOU and your quality of life? If I understand what you wrote above, if you don't start the meds your condition could cause you to become infertile but the meds could cause complications and birth defects to your child if you do become pregnant. I honestly can't tell YOU what to do, I can only tell you what I would do in the same situation. I'd take the meds.

Tender hugs to you in hopes that you start feeling much better SOON!
FOURISIS I'm sorry to hear about your condition :( I agree with majestyx about taking the meds. Keep in mind that adoption is always an option. There are an awful lot of kids out there that desperately need a home. Preferably one that has a mother as healthy as she can be :)
If you value your own life you should take the Meds. My neice was told when she was 19 that she couldn't have kids due to ovarian cysts and other problems, 2 years later she got pregnant, six years after that she got pregnant the second time. Two very healthy children and she is graduating college in Dec. Don't give up, listen to what the Doc tells you to do, and follow his advice.
Your MOMMAKAT suggests that you TAKE THE MEDS! I have 2 healthy adult children and have been having thyroid problems since my teens.
Another thing you can do is HARVEST some eggs so YOUR eggs can be used by a possible surrogate IF you are not able to carry a child to term.
Please get a second, or even third opinion as well.
I also suggest that you PM Kellogs and share some personal info. She is a WONDERFUL Mom, and will be in your corner.
I wish you nothing but the best, and why not just get Married at the Courthouse by a Judge, or a Justice Of The Peace. NEXT WEEK!

{{{{{HUGS}}}}} and I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers, as always!

You can pm anytime you want.
Thanks Kat, you are special.
I've decided to leave everything in God's hands.(if he brings u to it he'll bring u through it) will do what ever specialist says.i may end up driving my step sons
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