Its not bs its called being equal. The NFL owners agreed to this, and then can't follow it? That's the bs! Who is to blame for Green not taking the Lions interview? How about Matt Millen pleading for Mariucci on TV? Talk about having no brains. Not even 6 weeks after the NFL signs this agreement. And as far as white wide receivers ect, if they were talented enough, they would be playing. The difference is minority coaches who have the same or better resume's. 3 minority coaches out of 32 is fine for you? The NFL has proven over time that the owners have the good ole boy rasist mentality. Its a disgrace to sports, atleast the NBA and MLB have figured these problems out.Originally posted by fergy1370@Feb 15 2003, 04:25 PM
Let me get me surprised look on.... There, that's better.
If I remember correctly, Dennis Green was contacted about the job at Detroit. He didn't want to interview because he felt that Mariucci had the job wrapped up. Who's fault is that? The Lion's? Mariucci's? Green's? I'm leaning toward the media somewhat. They are the ones who had Mariucci hired before he signed the contract.
When I see a push for more white wide receivers and Chinese running backs, I'll back the B.S. that the NFL is trying to pull now.
I'm with you on this oneOriginally posted by TN-Ward-Fan@Feb 16 2003, 11:59 PM
Racism is racism, and equal is equal. If concessions are made to hire "minority" coaches (read black, we all know it why not say it), that's racism. It discriminates against all races except one.
Which way is it supposed to be, equal shot for all or favortism toward one race?
Me too. I've seen the consequences of quota hiring in a former job. Sadly. the job was in mental health. You know, nothing important, just responsibility for the quality of another human being's life and all, no big deal. I can candidly say with 100% honesty that the new hiring quota that was imposed knocked many good caring people out of a shot at a job because they weren't black.Originally posted by fergy1370@Feb 16 2003, 07:28 PM
Be glad that TWF answered before I did. I'm sick of this "affirmitive action" B.S.
Who cares if a black man drove in NASCAR? You're reaching here....Originally posted by mngopherguy@Feb 16 2003, 08:36 PM
Totally disagree. The old standard just leave it be. I really would be very curious what would be said on this board if 29 of the 32 coaches were black! Or what would come about if another black man were to drive in NASCAR.