NHL Suspends Bertuzzi


Staff member
Jun 14, 2002
Burleson, TX
NHL Suspends Bertuzzi for Rest of Season

TORONTO - Todd Bertuzzi of the Vancouver Canucks (news) was suspended for the rest of the regular season and the playoffs by the NHL on Thursday for attacking Colorado's Steve Moore.

In addition, Bertuzzi's eligibility for next season will be determined by NHL commissioner Gary Bettman before the start of training camp.

The Canucks were also fined $250,000.

"We felt Todd Bertuzzi had given up his right to play the rest of the season," league vice president Colin Campbell said Thursday.

"It was wrong. It wasn't anything else but wrong."

Bertuzzi sat out Wednesday's 1-1 tie with Minnesota and will miss the final 12 games of the regular season, forfeiting at least $500,000. The suspension will amount to a minimum of 17 games if the Canucks make the playoffs and are swept in a first-round series.

Vancouver is fourth in the Western Conference standings. Bertuzzi is the team's second-leading scorer with 17 goals and 43 assists.

The All-Star forward slugged Moore in the side of the head late in Monday night's 9-2 victory by the Avalanche. He hit Moore from behind and drove his head into the ice. Moore landed face-first — with the 245-pound Bertuzzi on top of him — and lay in a pool of blood for several minutes before he was removed on a stretcher.

Read the entire article here. Clicky clicky
It wouldn't bother me any if this idiot never plays hockey again.
I keep seeing this guy on TV saying "nobody feels worse about this than I do". But, I bet the guy laying in the hospital with a broken neck feel worse than Bertuzzi does :angry:

Give me a break. That was a cheap shot and Bertuzzi deserves everything he has been given punishment- wise.
Thats the hardest looking hit I've ever since that one in the NBA where Rudy Tomjanovich was hit by Kermit Washington. No place in sports for that.

Bad thing is now that the player who was attacked now has two cracked vertabrae, numerous facial lacerations and his voice cant get above a whisper :(
Criminal charges should be filed!

"Sorry" doesn't cut it with me after seeing the tapes of that deliberate sucker punch......just another reason I don't like hockey! :angry:
While I wholeheartedly agree that it was a needless cheap shot and he deserves to be sanctioned, I don't think I want to see the day when an admittedly physical sport is marred by criminal charges. I just think the separation between the sporting arena and the workplace is a necessary evil. If we start filing charges, where does it end? Do we charge Warran Sapp for the legal yet brutal hit on the Packers' lineman? Do we charge Roger Clemens when one gets a little too close on the inside corner? Do we charge Johnny Sauter...OK, bad example.

Just my thoughts from the outer branch.
I understand your point emp, and in a way agree. After all, Darryl Stingley never blamed Jack Tatum or sued. Just part of the job back in '78.

We are living in a different world now and some call it progress.
Originally posted by EatMorePossum@Mar 12 2004, 03:21 AM
If we start filing charges, where does it end? Do we charge Warran Sapp for the legal yet brutal hit on the Packers' lineman? Do we charge Roger Clemens when one gets a little too close on the inside corner? Do we charge Johnny Sauter...OK, bad example.

Just my thoughts from the outer branch.
I think where it ends is when something like this is done deliberately and with premeditation. I certainly expect criminal charges to be filed in this case and would be glad to see it. There needs to be a line drawn that you can not cross. Bertuzzi has been suspended without pay for the rest of the season and the playoffs. This ostensibly will cost him a lot of money. However, it wouldn't be the first time that a team basically covered a players financial loss with a wink, a slap on the back and an off the record "thanks for playing so hard, we have your back".

I really don't want to see it get to the point where guys are getting hauled into court for work related accidents, or being hurt by a good clean legal football hit. But, I really could see a Roger Clemens getting in a little legal trouble when he intentionally nails a Mike Piazza. Although with Roger stepping in the batter's box this year, I expect to see his beaning people drop-off significantly.

I don't like setting legal precident, but this has already been set with the McSorley trial.
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