I love short track racing (Taylor's Version)
... CNN and FOX. Ugh.
Well said.I've gotten to where I pay no attention at all to the national news --- their talking heads are devoid of all brains.
I've gotten to where I pay no attention at all to the national news --- their talking heads are devoid of all brains.
John Roberts on CNN just said they've been reporting "conflicting" information. Isn't that just a fancy word for wrong?
I've gotten to where I pay no attention at all to the national news --- their talking heads are devoid of all brains.
I've become quite a fan of the CBS morning show myself. They seem to focus on the news and stay away from the fluff that is so commonplace on Today and GMA. Usually stick with CBS for evening news too. I don't even bother with Fox News or MSNBC, they both lean so far to their respective sides that it's almost comical. Almost.Give CBS News a chance. CBS This Morning is quite impressive. Also, CBS got this one right just like they got it right in Newtown.
I have found that too many journalist and reporters are biased and try to sway their own personal opinion on others.