Nice job making journalism look bad....

John Roberts on CNN just said they've been reporting "conflicting" information. Isn't that just a fancy word for wrong?

"Conflicting information" is a fast and loose term. Generally, it means that you're getting, just that, different information about the same story from people who have knowledge. In print, you can at least wait until you no longer have "conflicting information". Television is tough because people want information and they want it RIGHT NOW. Because of that, CNN's turned in to Twitter.

CBS News and MSNBC deserve A LOT of credit for how they've handled the attack on Boston.
They are getting worse an and worse, and not learning from their mistakes. They just continue to want to be the first to scoop the news, regardless of whether it's right or wrong
A start would be to quit talking to these people.

was not authorized to discuss the case publicly
I've gotten to where I pay no attention at all to the national news --- their talking heads are devoid of all brains.

That pretty much sums it up for me as well.

All of the news media reminds me of the town gossip who can't wait to be the first to blab a story - no matter if they have the facts straight or not - and citing unnamed sources gives them the "Lucky Dog" pass when they're proven wrong.
I have found that too many journalist and reporters are biased and try to sway their own personal opinion on others.
First on the air is more important than accuracy.
Give CBS News a chance. CBS This Morning is quite impressive. Also, CBS got this one right just like they got it right in Newtown.
I've become quite a fan of the CBS morning show myself. They seem to focus on the news and stay away from the fluff that is so commonplace on Today and GMA. Usually stick with CBS for evening news too. I don't even bother with Fox News or MSNBC, they both lean so far to their respective sides that it's almost comical. Almost.
I have found that too many journalist and reporters are biased and try to sway their own personal opinion on others.

As an overall general observation, that might be true. In reporting of the Boston Bombing, I watched many different constantly reporting television media outlets and found only one that tried to make the tragedy a political discussion.
Nearly every other media outlet was too eager to be first and ended up reporting unverified and misleading information. The biggest surprise, MSNBC. I found MSNBC, along with CBS (a media outlet I had given up on) to be the most accurate.
One of the things I noticed was that the Press seemed to be in the way alot. I know the need to report the story but it's got to the point that the press thinks they need to be right on top of it to do the reporting. Seemed they were making it even more difficult for law enforcement to do their jobs at time. Law enforcement have people assigned to release information that needs to be released to the press when it needs to be released, but unfortunately the competition of the news medias today can sometimes become a hindrance to Public Safety Personnel.
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