Night Owls!


Team Owner
Sep 16, 2001
Boston, MA
Do you folks work late hours? Or just stay up late? I work whacky hours.
West Coast, it's only 10:30 here :D I stay up late doing my "homework" :p
I have weird college hours and just enjoy staying up late. It is only 12:41, I can't even get to sleep before 2 am. And I do stay up trying to do homework.
I was goign to be a while aog but i seemed to get into a great conversation with someone here!! and time flew by, i do need to go to bed or I won't be able to get up to watch the Dash race. I can't belive I am sayign this, but i hope the dash races gets delayed and hour or two but no more than that!!
:pbjtime: That is pretty cool. Kinda of a non sequitur thing.

I like this one :stupidcomp:

This by far is the most interesting one :micro:
have ya'll ever seen the peanutbutter jelly dance? :pbjtime: if not i'll try and post it in grin and bare it.
I don't think I have. See if you can post it. :pbjtime: :jamming: Dance banana, dance.
Nice :micro:
Hey mis-fit, how are the world domination plans coming? :D
You can post flash right in your posts. :)

Use [flash=400,400] URL TO FLASH MOVIE [/flash]
Hey gordon24 fan,

The world domination plans are coming along nicely. You will have to check with rpm to see how taking over the universe is coming.

:owned: :micro: Those are so great. Glad we have them. Smilies being killed.
rpmallen thinks he can do it. I gave him a whole list of things not to do and what to do and I think he can do it. So even if I don't succeed in taking over the planet and rpm takes over the universe, I still get Earth.

Okay I probably should stop talking so people don't think I am more nuts than I really am. B)
Of course, I promised you one and you can have it as long as you want. Always helps to have a minion to boss around. But you can have the title of Official World Taker-Over Assistant Who Does Really Cool Important Things (like fetching coffee). lol. :p
oooooh..... coffee, mybe if I do well at that I'll move up to donuts :D
Hey, can I get in on this?

I think my qualifications speak for themselves, being an evil dictator admin and all. :)
Originally posted by paul@Feb 9 2003, 11:20 PM
Hey, can I get in on this?

I think my qualifications speak for themselves, being an evil dictator admin and all. :)
moved up from the o0? lol :p
Yeah, 5-10 years down the road if everything goes good and you do good with the coffee, you can move up to donuts and cappuchinos. And possibly get a raise.

I think you more than qualify, paul. You can get in on our evil plans. I don't have a cool job title for anyone else, but feel free to think of one. True evilness and the ability to boss others around is always needed.
I'll just be known as "Evil Dictator". It's got a nice ring.

I'll walk around with my hand in my lapel and ban people. :cuckoo:
Evil Dictator, I like it. Just evil enough and shows them who is boss.

I think I am going to go with Her Brillant Evilness, Future Ruler Of the World. Kinda long but gets the point across and others will have to say before speaking "Please Your Brillant Evilness, Great Ruler of the World, may I please have a moment of your precious time." Muhahahahaha.
Hi guys!! Still up? I'm cheating just a lil, it's only 6:30PM Monday night here :D
Originally posted by mis-fit@Feb 9 2003, 11:35 PM
Evil Dictator, I like it. Just evil enough and shows them who is boss.

I think I am going to go with Her Brillant Evilness, Future Ruler Of the World. Kinda long but gets the point across and others will have to say before speaking "Please Your Brillant Evilness, Great Ruler of the World, may I please have a moment of your precious time." Muhahahahaha.
Then I get "Your Brillant Evilness, Great Ruler of the World's Assistant" :owned:
yeah its 2:40 andn I was heading to bed about 3 horus -_-
On second thought, I'll be, "Evil Dictator - The Evil Henchman Who Bows To Both Your Brillant Evilness, Great Ruler of the World's Assistant and Her Brillant Evilness, Future Ruler Of the World's Every Whim and Fancy".

A bit long as well, but I'm sure people will understand.
Originally posted by gordon24fan@Feb 10 2003, 01:38 AM
Then I get "Your Brillant Evilness, Great Ruler of the World's Assistant" :owned:
Well if you prefer that over the Official World Taker-Over Assistant Who Does Really Cool Important Things then that can be your title. You can even have people ask to speak before speaking to you. I think I will decree that. Give you a feeling of importance. Have to treat the little guys nicely so they won't overthrow you. :swords:

It's only 1:43 am here. Still pretty early.

Love the new title, paul. And what does it matter if it is long, we are evil we can make our names so very long and if people mess them up then off with their heads.
It's 11:48 and I just got out of the shower :D Better pack my backpack so I can roll right out of bed and go straight to school at 7:00.
Ohh I start College tomorrow staying up late for me anymore...ah well...

What kind of work do you'll do?
Originally posted by paul@Feb 10 2003, 01:51 AM
Beheadings!! :bounce:
Yes, one of the many benefits of being the evil leader instead one of the down-trodden masses.

And with that long of a name someone is going to mess up and then you may hire someone to chop off their heads or think of some other punishment for failing to address you properly.
I work in health care. Taking care of mentally retarded people in thie homes and fun stuff like that.
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