No, I didn't run away ........


Plank Owner
Sep 18, 2001
Deep in the heart of Texas
Wound up in the ER Sunday evening, and just got home. Will have gall bladder surgery next Wednesday.

The doc thinks a gall stone blocked the duct, and caused the pancreas to go ballistic.

Soooo, out comes the offending party.

I never, ever want to experience pain like that again. I really thought I was having a heart attack.
Hope you get better TRL.I do like my sunday better though sitting out by the pool.:D
TRL prayers to you and hopes for no pain and a speedy recovery!
Wound up in the ER Sunday evening, and just got home. Will have gall bladder surgery next Wednesday.

The doc thinks a gall stone blocked the duct, and caused the pancreas to go ballistic.

Soooo, out comes the offending party.

I never, ever want to experience pain like that again. I really thought I was having a heart attack.

Haven't had my appendix for 30yrs. Thank goodness it's the gallbladder. You can live without it --- just have to be careful and avoid certain foods.

TRL, I'm 3 years post-op from emergency gall bladder surgery. I feel your pain, and agree that it's one that you never want to experience again! As long as they can remove the offending party with laproscopic (sp?) surgery, you should be up and about and back to normal much quicker than with the traditional surgery of an 8" incision. You will most certainly want to avoid the fatty foods for a while! Thoughts, prayers and best wishes for a speedy recovery!!!

don't they use ultrasound for that these days?
I asked that question myself before my surgery and was told that an ultrasound cannot break up gallstones like kidney stones. And even if it could, your gallbladder won't "pass" then the same way they kidney does.
I think I'm going to postpone the surgery. The gallbladder wasn't the pain --- it was the ultimate source--the doc thinks, but the CT scan and ultra-sound showed no problems with it.

I don't like jumping into such a life-changing event without some more consultation with my doc, and with people who have gone through the procedure.

I've heard/read horror stories so I want more info.
My wife had hers taken out in emergency surgery, yes she's got the 6 inch or so long scar.

My brother was thrown from a Jeep in a accident, lost his spleen and pancreas.

Both about 25 years ago and they both eat what they want, when they want.

Seems we all have a few parts we don't really need.
I had my gall bladder out last August and I've not noticed any real difference other than I haven't had another episode of pain like I had that weekend. I didn't know I had a problem with mine until I started hurting pretty bad on a Saturday night. I dealt with it thinking it might go away until Sunday night when I went to the emergency room. They kept me and took it out on Tuesday. I felt fine in a week or so.
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