Originally posted by Lap3Forever
i did not met her on the net. i know i dont. i have never had a real g/f in my life and relly have never been kissed. and i relly dont know anyone. i am a nobody...no one gets to know all judge me by the why i look and talk.
Hey Buddy,
Looks and sounds are nothing.....I'm from Alabama and have a DEEP southern accent. Some chicks thinks its cute, some think I'm a backwards-ass, country, #!@%*+_%##. And, I'm a former Marine.....I know that some girls just like the uniform. If they get hooked up with a Marine, or anyone else in a uniform, they can say something like, " I am going out with a Marine." or" I am going out with a fireman." or whatever.
To be honest dude, she probably saved you a lot of heartache. You don't need anyone like her. If she changed her mind that fast, you don't need her. Women change their mind enough as it is.........
I didn't get my first kiss until I was 17....I was more interested in working on my truck ( 1978 Chevy, four-wheeled drive, 454 motoe, 6 inch lift custom grill, ect...) and also my youth group at church and sports and hanging out with my buddies.
Lappy, girls will come and girls will go. They will screw with your mind until you think you are going crazy....that is something they learn from their mothers, who learned it from thier mothers.....Its just a part of growing up. Sooner or later, you'll will meet the right chick. It took me 28 years to meet the right girl. I thought I did when I was 23...we got married and then I found out what a bitch she was.......it was all a learning experience. Several years later, I met the right one.
You're almost 17......You haven't lived 1/3 your life yet. Have fun while you can.....ride your four-wheeler and your truck with your buddies.......Go out with the guys while you still can. Sooner or later, all of that will be over. You'll have to go watch a chick-flick with some broad, or go to some party with her because her friends will be there or something else you will have to do because you are with HER....
Enjoy life while you can, dude........