No thumbprint,No money,bank tells armless man

mike honcho

Feb 9, 2009
No thumbprint, no money, bank tells armless man
21 mins ago
MIAMI (Reuters) – A bank in Florida refused to cash a check for an armless man because he could not provide a thumbprint.

"They looked at my prosthetic hands and the teller said, 'Well, obviously you can't give us a thumbprint'," Steve Valdez told CNN on Wednesday.

But he said the Bank of America Corp branch in downtown Tampa, Florida, still insisted on a thumbprint identification for him to cash a check drawn on his wife's account at the bank, even though he showed them two photo IDs.

In the incident last week, a bank supervisor told Valdez he could only cash the check without a thumbprint if he brought his wife in with him or he opened an account with them.

"I told them I neither wanted an account with them and couldn't bring my wife in because she was nowhere close by," Valdez told CNN.

Bank of America said in a statement cited by CNN: "While the thumbprint is a requirement for those who don't have accounts, the bank should have made accommodations."

Valdez said his treatment by the bank violated the U.S. Americans with Disability Act requiring institutions to provide reasonable accommodation to disabled persons.

(Writing by Pascal Fletcher; editing by Todd Eastham)
Just another BoA horror story. Local news had a guy who had refi'd his house from BoA to his CU and got a refund of escrow. Local BoA branch refused to cash the check.

First excuse was he didn't have an account. Second one was they had no way to check if the account, their account, had funds to cover it ($500+). It was a BoA check drawn on a BoA account!

Finally they decided to cash it but would charge him a fee, he walked and called the local tv station.

When the station interviewed the manager she said they had followed standard procedure and humida,humida,humida.

I swear that the older I get I see more and more people without a lick common sense.
I have a feeling that it will cost them a chunk of money to settle when he files a lawsuit. He seems to have an ironclad descrimination claim. They legally have to make reasonable accomodations for his disability. They obviously didn't do that.

In the long run, It would have been a lot less trouble to just cash the damn check.
Just another example of what's wrong with corporate America. They don't pay their employees to think. They pay them to follow procedure. Then the employee gets fired when the company gets sued for violating someone's civil rights.

Well, when this is over he won't have to borrow money from his wife anymore.:beerbang: More power to him
B of A

I have had similar issues with this this bank in the past.They must be offering a hefty interest rate to still have a customer base!
I have had similar issues with this this bank in the past.They must be offering a hefty interest rate to still have a customer base!

What they do have tho is they offer Credit Cards to illegals who do not have a valid Social Security number or even a credit history. But then I guess the illegals can provide thumbprints. I just wonder if its theirs...
What they do have tho is they offer Credit Cards to illegals who do not have a valid Social Security number or even a credit history. But then I guess the illegals can provide thumbprints. I just wonder if its theirs...

So that's the trick I need to use a fake Social Security number.
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