NOprah No More



Oprah is retiring. Someone give me a kleenex..... for my tears of joy :D
Living outside Chicago, it's hard to not hear something about Oprah. This was the top story on the local news, and probably will be for the next couple days.

They were talking about the economic impact the ending of her show would have on the city. I think that's a bunch of BS. Sounds like a scapegoat to avoid putting the blame for city's money problems on corruption and poor city management.
Good riddance.
Unfortunately there is speculation she'll be moving to Cali.

Her company just rented space in the same buliding Ryan Seacrest does his show. Rumor also has it she may be buying her own cable network. I heard it was the discovery channel???? thought they said it was going to be called Opra Winfrey Network (OWN)
Oprah Winfrey is creating her own network: OWN (The Oprah Winfrey Network). Discovery Communications, which announced the launch of the network today in New York, claimed that OWN is the biggest idea since the creation of MTV in the 1980s. That’s probably a little hyperbolic, but The Big O having her own channel is still pretty huge, and her network could cause major shifts in the TV landscape when it goes live early next year.
I don't care for Opra, but I loved watching all episodes of Montel Williams. I don't miss any episodes of Maury Povich I DVR them. :)
She is certainly not retiring, she is just not doing the same show she has been doing for 25 years. You don't basically start a religion and then just retire. She is starting her own network so she can have even greater control of content and revenue.

It makes good business and theological sense.
Oprahs moving to D.C. to become Barry's Spiritual advisor Czar.
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