Team Owner
can be found within 200 miles of bigH. All the stations on all of the highways are shut down and have no gas.
It will take days and days to get the 3 million vehicles back home. Here in my little town north of Austin... 4 out of 5 stations are empty. LOCAL folks are staying home because they cannot get gasoline.
Austin area has doubled it's number of vehicles. The expense of this storm cannot be measured in wind damage alone.
We will have another nightmare on the TV watching folks PUSH their vehicles home.
It will take days and days to get the 3 million vehicles back home. Here in my little town north of Austin... 4 out of 5 stations are empty. LOCAL folks are staying home because they cannot get gasoline.
Austin area has doubled it's number of vehicles. The expense of this storm cannot be measured in wind damage alone.
We will have another nightmare on the TV watching folks PUSH their vehicles home.