Not an advertisment, just trying to be helpful.



Hey all,
I found a great website called Now, I am not trying to advertise this site, I just found it helpful for my own needs so I figured that I'd tell you all about it. This website has this free alcohol quiz thing that tells you if your drinking patterns are safe or not. They only asked me for my age and gender so its confidential, rest assured. It helped me gain insight about my own drinking habits and it can help you too. Take care all.

I may just have to crack open a beer and check it out myself. :cheers:
Kind of a strange way to introduce yourself to our forum, Bogey. This is what we here at would consider spam posting. Please take this as helpful information. ;)
This reminds me of a funny story...

My wife works in Social Services as a Family Counselor for troubled teens...

...Anyway, we went out with her co-workers, (dinner & drinks etc) and the big hit of the evening was the pocket breathalizer do-hickey.

It really cracked me up to see all these kids at the bar dancing/drinking etc in the background, while we were passing around a breathalizer and giving crap to the guy who blew over a .08! :)

Oh each his own I guess...


BTW, welcome bogey...hope to see you in some of the racing posts! ;)
Originally posted by Bogey686@Jul 21 2004, 11:32 AM
Just trying to help.
Would you care to explain "trying to help"? Are you trying to say that someone here has a problem with alcohol? Oh, and do you try to make this kind of impression to every message board that you visit?

Oh, and Splunge, I doubt that Bogey will join in any of the racing conversations. Two posts and both are in this thread. :wacko:
Originally posted by majestyx@Jul 21 2004, 11:22 AM
Kind of a strange way to introduce yourself to our forum, Bogey. This is what we here at would consider spam posting. Please take this as helpful information. ;)

you mean this?


  • spam.jpg
    48.7 KB · Views: 146
When I say that I am "just trying to help" I mean just that. I am not implying that anyone here has an alcohol problem. I posted this message not to single someone out for alcohol use issues, but to inform anyone who can benefit from the message. Take care.
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