Not much happening on here tonight.


Team Owner
Jun 14, 2002
Proudly Southern
No heated debates,no talking about puppies,no mass compliments of RustyFanForever's avatar.Not a single political discussion.Nothing.If not for Ward22's rapid-fire posting we would be hurtin' tonight.

7 members online...where is everyone anyway?
Originally posted by 97forever@Jun 25 2003, 07:16 PM
No heated debates,no talking about puppies,no mass compliments of RustyFanForever's avatar.Not a single political discussion.Nothing.If not for Ward22's rapid-fire posting we would be hurtin' tonight.

7 members online...where is everyone anyway?
I am not a moderator, but I like to see this place up and runnin'!!! I try to keep things started up around here! Especially as of late...there hasn't been to many on here! I have posted 13 topics in the General NASCAR Chat recently.
I was watching TV! WE did not have dinner untill almost 10 last night! Had to do the dishes after that so I was busy!
Originally posted by bowtie@Jun 25 2003, 10:04 PM
I am doing the floors in my girls room. lloooonnnggg nite.
You should try this house full of rugrats of mine bowtie!Pink rooms,purple rooms!Argggg.

Three little girls can be a handful,not to mention my son!
Hey, 97! How old are the kiddos? I have two high school graduates (ages 18 & 19) both girls (step-daughters) and my only son is 14, a freshman in high school come this fall. Both girls are in or will be in college. :wacko:
youngest daughter is 5,one 9,a 10 year old son and a twelve year old daughter.

Whew!A BIG job those four.

Congrats to your girls attending college...that should prove interesting.And your son is just now getting to the fun age---heh,heh,heh.I know..I remember when I was 14!
Originally posted by 97forever@Jun 26 2003, 03:56 PM

.And your son is just now getting to the fun age---heh,heh,heh.I know..I remember when I was 14!
Life will get more interesting living with a moving pile of hormones that eats constantly. :D
Originally posted by nascarwoman@Jun 26 2003, 04:01 PM
Life will get more interesting living with a moving pile of hormones that eats constantly. :D
That started last year! My grocery bill hasn't changed since we went from 4 people to 3 people~ :eek: ~
Originally posted by 97forever@Jun 26 2003, 02:56 PM
youngest daughter is 5,one 9,a 10 year old son and a twelve year old daughter.

Hey 97, I missed out on the litttle boy somewhere, I have three daughters 5, 10, and 12. I quit because I was scared I would get another girl :blink:
:wacko: My husband had same exact problem. After 3 girls, he decided it was enough. And he's one of three boys in his family, no girls. His older brother had only girls too! The younger brother doesn't have any children.
Originally posted by 97forever@Jun 26 2003, 03:46 PM
:( Gotta love 'em though.
I wouldn't take a million for them but wouldn't take another one like them.
Originally posted by majestyx@Jun 26 2003, 03:50 PM
:wacko: My husband had same exact problem. After 3 girls, he decided it was enough.
He's being punished just like me. :D
Seriously,my wife INSISTS the father determines the gender of the baby....I don't know if that is an old Gypsy saying or medical fact.I am also the oldest of three brothers and my Dad had five brothers-one sister.And here WE boy,three girls. :eek: Isn't the gender-ratio of the entire planet slanted in the female corner for some reason?Why is that?Anyone know?*

(*Where is Whizzer when you need him?)
97, the wife is correct. The father determines the gender of the baby. In my family, I have a sister and a brother. My mother has a brother and my dad is an only child. I only had one child. It is really crazy how some things work! :lilangel:
Good Lord Maj!If my wife EVER sees this post--and the fact that you agreed with her---she might actually start posting on here!Plus,I would never live it down.
Originally posted by 97forever@Jun 26 2003, 05:09 PM
Good Lord Maj!If my wife EVER sees this post--and the fact that you agreed with her---she might actually start posting on here!Plus,I would never live it down.
:sne: :whoopee: :waver: The more the merrier!!!!
Originally posted by 97forever@Jun 26 2003, 05:05 PM
Well...after all I was 14 just--uh-- 10 years ago.
That's almost believable. :lol: :p And I am still 21.
BTW I am with your wife and Majestyx on this one, the male determines the sex!
Hey Dee...might know you would really figure out it's been actually 12 years since I was 14!I should have known!

:lol: Anyway my wife has said that for years.I just find it hard to blame myself for all these girls! :lol:

And did you enjoy your thursday with your daughter by the way?
We had a wonderul time! Thanks for asking.We just hung out at home in the morning. This afternnon we hit the mall! She got the new Harry Potter book, yeah she won't put it down until it's done now. She has spent the last month rereading the other ones so they were fresh in her mind when this one came out (she does that each time a new one comes out). I had to tell her she couldn't take the book to cheerleading practice, she was crushed. We always have fun together.
Sex chromosome information:

females are XX
males are XY

because one sex chromosome comes from the mother and one from the father, the chances are 2 to 1 the baby will be a girl. However, since the male has the only odd chromosome, it is his fault if the baby turns out to be a boy. ;) :D :eek: B)
In defense of the males...when we are making the baby, we only have a female model to use for a reference B)
Originally posted by 4xchampncountin@Jun 26 2003, 09:30 PM
In defense of the males...when we are making the baby, we only have a female model to use for a reference B)
You're just taking the easy way out. I know you have kids, 4x. Tell us a little about them. :)
Thanks for asking :)

My 9 year old son gets his green belt in Karate tonight :bounce:

He is entirely too much like me for my wife's taste, but he is a great kid. Super smart, especially for a Dale Jarrett fan :rolleyes:

My 5 & 6 year old daughters are just starting t-ball this year. They are the most beautiful little girls I have ever seen (not that I'm biased :p ). The 6 year old is just like her Mom, very artistic and hard-headed but at the same time she is the most compassionate little girl in the world. She loves animals and just about any kind of bugs even.

My 5 year old is just herself, you can't even describe her.
Definetely tell you are a proud Dad! Kids are so awesome.
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