Now I know I am in college!!



I got my first student loan today. And not I am in debt!! Yahooo!!! NOT
welcome now you will how I feel but i have more loans

My son, the PHD, will be paying off student loans for a LOOOOONG Time.
BUT it's well worth it!!
I'll be paying off my loans forever. Thankfully my aid is going up, so I won't have to pay anything out of pocket anymore, it will all just be loans.
Just remember "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son". These are some of the most profound words of wisdom ever to be spoken to a college student.
Originally posted by mngopherguy
"Remember when the German's bombed Pearl Harbor?"
"Germans?"..."Don't stop him he is on a roll"
DuPep...There are many, many stories just like your wife's out there. But, there are a whole lot more people who went to college and actually use their degrees. I know not having a degree has made things much tougher for me to earn a lot of money. Not impossible, but more difficult to be sure. My brother is a CPA who works on the assembly line at Hoover, making vacuum cleaners. No guarantees either way, but college does give you a leg up for sure.
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