Now that was too close!



Y'all that was too close.A large plane was flying so low you could see the people in the plane.He barely cleared the trees!Couldn't help but think about 9-11.The engines were so loud.Hope it doesn't come back around.
I'm kinda used to that Fourisis, cuz I live about 1 mile from an AFB.
AND in the flight path! I've even seen the President's Air Force 1 land.
Kat,I'm near the Belle Chase Navy air base.When I say this plane was close I mean stand on the roof of a two story house and touch it.If that plane was to hit my neighborhood it would've taken out several blocks mayby more.just a little too close for me.I'll send it your way.ha!
No thanks Fourisis! But I know what you mean when you say you could see the people inside. Very scarey indeed!
man i live in the coutryand had a crop dustin plane get tangled in tress while i was in on huntin scared the crap out of me
i see amry planes and copters all the time Fort Cambel 101st airborn in not far from me.

and i live near a local airport.

(if you have 2001 or newer flight game for computer. go to kentucky, murray, kyle-okley (or how ever you spell it) fly north bout 2-21/2 miles and my housr is righ in there somewhere. :p
I live right across from an airport. Its not a huge airport, just maily small planes take off there. A big plane like a 747 could land there if it had to but non ever have, sure sounds like some have a few times. Had a few fighter planes land there for demostrations. They have a nice air show and ballone race and fireworks during the summer. never have to pay the $5 to get in thankfully.
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