Oh boy!!



I signed up for my next semester classes last night!!
Boy its goign to be fun!!
I am taking 4 classes. Each class is 4 hours long!!
I have a Bulding Materials class on Tuesday Morning from 8-12, then I have graphic design an hour after my Tueday mornign class. So I will be at school from 8-5 on tuesday.
On wensday I an taking a intermedate CAD class at 6-10.
On Thursday I have Gemotry/Trig. Thats the class I am not looking forward to.

I think I have A's in 3 of my current classes and border line B in my algebra class.

Hope everyone eles thats in school has got there new schedual, if not you might get stuck with bad class time slike I did.
Well PB'I always figured you to have a lot of class.:p Keep up the good work my friend.:)
that geometry and trig. class should be fun....i don't think I would have roblem with it because I have always did really good in math...
welcome to college life pettybenson you will be taking 16 credit hours.....I am taking 17 hours it will keep you busy...I know my art classes always keep me busy...one project after another

I was a glutton for punishment 1 semester --- took 21 hours.
Dang near killed me. One class was a 4 hour science class with a 6 hour lab doing field work each week --- usually on a Saturday.
I know what its like to get stuck with bad classes. This semester I had the history of South Asia, History of 20th century art, Algebra, and Intro to world Geography. Next semester I've got Biology, Bio lab, Psychology, Intro to Political Science, Intro to Sociology. I registered the second they opened just so I could get the classes I wanted.
you can keep on gettin A's my friend, once you've done it you can always do it:D
This is my high school (11th grade) schedule for this trimester: American Writers (english), Spanish IV, Senior Jazz Band, Advanced Chemistry, and Advanced U.S. History.

Last trimester, I had Adv. Chem. (A+), Am. Writers (A), Senior Jazz (A), Adv. U.S. History (A), Jr. Pre-Calculus (A-), and Driver's Ed. (B+). Yes, Driver's Ed kept me off Highest Honors (had to settle for High Honors), but I'm simply not an outstanding driver.
Strids, more importantly, you are an outstanding student and an outstanding person. I'm sure your parents are very proud.
Wow those are some excellent grades!! I was doing backflips last quarter with my 3.33 GPA in college. I taken night classes and about 12 credits a quarter. However I was working 40+ hours a week and seeing my son 2-3 days a week. Now thats what I like to call a full plate. Now that I got laid off, I'm on here way too much :D
I am dreading Tuesdays now!!! Its going to be fun but my god its going to be long.And with me not having a drivers liecens(sp) I will not be able to leave for that hour or so to get lunchso I will have to eat food out of these vending machines... YUMMM
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