I signed up for my next semester classes last night!!
Boy its goign to be fun!!
I am taking 4 classes. Each class is 4 hours long!!
I have a Bulding Materials class on Tuesday Morning from 8-12, then I have graphic design an hour after my Tueday mornign class. So I will be at school from 8-5 on tuesday.
On wensday I an taking a intermedate CAD class at 6-10.
On Thursday I have Gemotry/Trig. Thats the class I am not looking forward to.
I think I have A's in 3 of my current classes and border line B in my algebra class.
Hope everyone eles thats in school has got there new schedual, if not you might get stuck with bad class time slike I did.
Boy its goign to be fun!!
I am taking 4 classes. Each class is 4 hours long!!
I have a Bulding Materials class on Tuesday Morning from 8-12, then I have graphic design an hour after my Tueday mornign class. So I will be at school from 8-5 on tuesday.
On wensday I an taking a intermedate CAD class at 6-10.
On Thursday I have Gemotry/Trig. Thats the class I am not looking forward to.
I think I have A's in 3 of my current classes and border line B in my algebra class.
Hope everyone eles thats in school has got there new schedual, if not you might get stuck with bad class time slike I did.