oh goodie - budget cuts

The economy has tanked out and still sinking and you expected pay raises? A lot of people will be thankfull just to hold on to their jobs. Many will get pay cuts, especially taking into account inflation and increases in insurance premiums and other benefits. Time to take a look at what's going on around you.
My wife was involuntarily retired Aug 1st due to the states fiscal mismanagement. This was done as a cost savings measure. Her retirement check from the state is exactly $93 and change less than what her normal check was. And we retain health and life ins at minimum expense. Factor in she spent $50 a week in gas plus dry cleaning, lunches etc she's ahead of the game.
Hellofa cost savings measure, huh?:D Only something a politician could dream up.
I got a 3% raise on Oct. 1. Amounts to about $24 more takehome per paycheck. Not much, but every little bit helps.
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