Oh My God No

Thank God the boys walked away.

Betcha there are going to be some folks studying that tape for a while.
Oh my, that just ruined my entire day. That was really ugly. Thank god everyone is okay. Let the blame game begin...
Rusty did just say he was drifting towards the wall and that Steve just got pinched in there. Going to be interesting to hear Steve and Jr.
Rusty blamed Steve, sys Steve got into him. But the replay and the commentators all clearly show Rusty going up into Steve when att Park did was hold his line and position.

My respect for Jr went up quite a few more notches with his reactions and comments.

Respect for Rusty, now much lower.

Dang schiddy luck for Steve, Jr and DEI.
I'm still wondering whether or not Jimmie got into Rusty, thus causing the chain reaction.

Not making accusations, just wondering...
Then again, BP seemed pretty convinced that Ricky Craven had something to do with it. Hmmm....

Sorry, just amusing myself during commercials. :D
What happened? I didn't get to see it and didn't know how it started. Did see a replay but not the start of the wreck. I hope everyone is ok and what did they say after they got out of the cars? wonder what Jr. and Park had to say.:(
They were then too, but you probably missed them cheering while the car was flipping over.

Selective hearing, most likely. :)
Just very glad everyone is ok. More than I wanted to see happen today.
Thinking those boys were very very lucky. Didn't catch the crowd going wild while the car was wrecking but did hear them after Steve got out.
Was so danged scared before they showed Steve moving around. I told hubby if we lose one more I don't think I'll be watching. Too much too soon on todays race. Without the first caution, I think they would've been near half way when the rain started.
Blame--don't think there should be any. Looked as Rusty went up into Steve but not intentionally. Think drivers should watch the tapes before they make comments.
Just very glad DEJr and Steve are both ok. Sad to see the Penzoil hauler leaveing the track.
VERY Glad to see both DEI drivers ok. It was crazy to be racin like that after the first turn. No ones fault, Its just Nascar. And what a job the 8 team did at getting that car back on track.
Originally posted by paul
They were then too, but you probably missed them cheering while the car was flipping over.

Selective hearing, most likely. :)

I heard some commotion from the crowd while Steve and Jr were wrecking......but I doubt it was cheering. When Jr and Harvick wrecked directly in front of us at California last Apr there was that same noise (what you identified as cheering) while they were spinning and coming to a rest.......I think it's involuntary moans and grunts coming from the spectators when they see something like that. Not cheers though, Paul.
The only cheers I heard was one Steve got out and then when Jr. Entered his car back into the race, after repairs.
Originally posted by paul
They were then too, but you probably missed them cheering while the car was flipping over.

Selective hearing, most likely. :)

I'm sure it was for some people....:)
The screams I heard sounded more like horror about the wreck, then the cheers both when Jr got out and ran to check on Steve and louder cheers when Steve climbed out looking ok.

HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS to anyone who CHEERS a wreck, no matter who is involved.
I was just horrified at the wreck. The tears didn't come until I saw Junior running over to Steve's car. Then when Steve came out, I really bawled. Seeing them walk to the ambulance with their arms around each other hanging on to one another, just made the tears flow faster.

Rusty drifted up toward the wall into Steve. Ricky Craven was the one who actually turned Steve in front of Junior. I didn't see Jimmy Johnson touch Rusty.
that was a tremendous accident, glad steve was good to go, he has some of those Angels on his shoulders;)
Just got to see the whole thing on the local sports, I didn't get to see the start of the race!:( Just glad they are both ok and will race again. Jr. did what anyother driver would do and I know Park would have done the same.
I also heard cheers when the wreck was happening, without a doubt those were cheers. I know the sound of cheers when someone wrecks, I'm a JG fan so I know what they sound like. I think it's horrible that people would cheer during all that. That was a bad wreck with Park. I was so glad he was ok. He definitely has an angel on his shoulder.

The cheering sounds might have been a mess up with the broadcast or something, but I highly doubt it. Some people live to see wrecks at the races. Sad, sad people.
What scared me about yesterdays race was the way Mayfield hit the concrete barrier!Now that was an impact.Both the car and the 2 or 3 ton barrier came off the ground!Amazing that Jeremy was ok.
Where i was sitting there were no cheers, just gasps and we were worried about Steve. There were cheers around me when Nadeau crashed. I don't understand why people would do that.
Actually Mayfields was worse than Parks. Parks was much more spectacular. Mayfield stopped now, whereas Park just kinda flew along dissapating the crash energy at a slower pace.
Originally posted by be9ak7ts16
Actually Mayfields was worse than Parks. Parks was much more spectacular. Mayfield stopped now, whereas Park just kinda flew along dissapating the crash energy at a slower pace.
No doubt about it,He did put on a good show,I am sure nobody wanted to see anyone killed.The safety system did its job well.Mayfield most likey has a lot more pain than Steve today.Those walls weigh 3028 lbs. a piece,and he made them look like foam rocks.
Jeremy's wreck was definitely more severe. The sudden stop is so much harder on the body than the rolling.

I'm not a big Jeremy fan, but I was so happy to see him get out of the car. When the camera didn't show any movement in the car at first, my heart came up in my throat. I don't wish harm to any driver.
I don't know, every one says they were glad Steve Park is okay, which he was, but after listening to that interview, there was definitely something not okay. Ever since his last accident, he doesn't talk right. I don't know if any one has noticed that but my whole family has and I hope he's okay.
I think Steve still has a couple of circuit breakers kicking out,It reminds me so much of Cravens trying to come back.I am sure this didn't help anything towards his full recovery.Steve needs to think about his welfare,and family first.I really like this guy,But he needs to rethink his situation right now,I hate to say it,But luck hasn't been on his side either.Steve don't get yourself killed trying to prove a point. :)
According to the EMS working walking with Lil'E and Steve, Lil'E was asking Steve how he wanted to pay for the car, in 1 payment or in installments during this year, since he was gone next anyway. :D
Comming this fall.[Parks Auto Body Shops]:p Little E.will be his biggest customer.;)
Steve needs to hire Nadeau and a couple of others. They could really help his business.

I wonder what Jeremy said to Jerry in the care center. When asked he said he forgot. LMAO. Someone needs to let JN know he can't just go out for a Sunday drive like he is the only one on the road.
He prolly ask him What did he do with that rock he uses to comb his hair with?:p
Glad Steve and JR. got out of that ok. It scared the crap out of me to see dale run to the car like that.
I do agree Mayfield's hit was worse and although I really don't like him I just prayed to see him drop the window net on his own.
Ever since we have lost alot of drivers latley I just cringe at every wreck.
Both crashes were bad enough. Both drivers walking away is another example of the credit due for the inherent safety of the cars.

In watching the replay, and this may have noted on the board, the luckiest people at the track were those fans in the infield not very away from Park's impact point with the Armco. Protected only by a chain link fence, had Steve's car gone over that rail like it nearly did they would not even have had time to react before disaster struck.

For this reason alone, look for changes to be made at Pocono to lessen the liklihood of that ever coming even this close to happening again.
But what if there was a concrete wall there? I really think Steve might have died. That car would have flattened. Did you see how much that armco gave when they hit it. Just imagine if there was a structure there that didn't give. I'm not defending the armco, b/c they almost went through it, but a concrete wall there would have been bad too.
Concrete walls do little to protect the drivers. No argument there.

I think what you'll more likely see is paving of some or all or the grassy area between the track and the barrier. This has been done at other tracks to help slow the cars down when they leave the track.

Perhaps the most noted is the area exiting turn 4 at Daytona. You might remember or have seen film of Rudds tumbling flipping cartwheeling crash in that area in the '80's.

This will not completely eliminate the problem, but asphalt will dramatically slow a sliding or spinning car relative to grass.
That's exactly what I was thinking. The grass almost made them faster...
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