I'm starting to think they haven't a clue on how to stop this 'leak'. Looks like there might have been some fudging of the figures regarding how large it really is from Day 1. Went from 1,000 gallons to 1,000 bbls, then up to 5,000 bbls. Scientist who've seen the video of the leak say it's possible it's up to 10x that amount.
BP's blocked Wood's Hole from sending their sub to evaluate. Data from tests has come up missing,,,hmmm. BP's lawyers are passing out 5 grand if you sign and promise not to sue. Transocean held a secret meeting with high level mangement. Halliburton's safety record (that's a oxymoron) is questionable at best.
Murcowski (sp?) blocking raising the liability limit proves where her loyalty is.
I predict we, United States taxpayers, will pay dearly for this cleanup. Our leaders in congress will give flowery speeches that mean nothing while taking campaign contributions from those responsible.
Four, if anyway to get downwind do it, as I said we moved in with a MIL for a month and that was in the winter with the windows closed. Can't imagine what it's like there with the heat and humidity. Good luck.