Old Airforce Pilot


Team Owner
Feb 15, 2007
A retired Airforce pilot was sitting in a bar and a fine looking young woman in a short skirt comes in and sits down beside him.

She says: "Hello, mind if I sit here"

Retired pilot: "Why No...of course not...nice to meet you"

She: "Well it's nice to meet you too...what do you do?"

Retired pilot: "Actually, I'm retired Airforce, I flew fighters in two wars and still pilot my own plane...how about you?"

She: "Well I work at the restaurant across the street...but not to give you the wrong idea...I'm a Lesbian...I wake up in the morning thinking about p_ssy...I think about it all day...and I go to bed at night thinking about p_ssy."

(after a short cordial conversation the young lady finishes her drink and leaves and a young man in a suit takes her place)

Young man: "Hello sir, mind if I sit here?"

Retired pilot: "That's fine young fella...what are your interests?"

Young man: "Well I enjoy golf and tennis and cycling...I guess you could say I'm a sportsman...how about you?"

Retired pilot: "Well I enjoy aviation...and apparently I'm a Lesbian." :biggrin:
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