YEP! The local Chevy garage was on my way to school and the word got out the new models were in! That very afternoon, we would try to sneak into the back of the garage to look but, they were covered!
As a kid, I used to sit on a concrete wall in front of our house and identified every car that passed. Even could tell the brand of car, without seeing it, by the sound of the starter. Guys my age will understand that one.
As for the contest, I got them all, 100%. Must admit the Willys Aero had me stumped until remembering the Kaiser. A salesman had brought one to the house to try to sell to my Dad. Pop ended up with another black Ford coupe.
A friend from my high school days (he was class of '53 and I was '54) sent the contest to several of us and most of them got them all but the Kaiser & Willys.