Oldies but goodies


Its all good

I didnt just pick on one driver.. I like some of these guys too..lol

Q:Why doesnt Kyle Busch ever hit the wall??
A: It doesn't have numbers on it.

Q: Did you know that Kyle Pettys entire crew was arrested for drugs?
A: Yeah, the cops found everything but speed.

Q:What is the difference between Tony Stewarts car and a porcupine?
A:On a porcupine, the pricks are on the outside!

Q:What do you call 10,000 Restrictor plates at the bottom of the ocean?
A:A Good Start.

Q:What is the worst thing about 5 Gordon Fans going over a cliff in a Monte Carlo?
A:A Monte Carlo Seats 6.

Q: What do NASCAR and Monica Lewinsky's dress have in common?
A: Dick Trickle.
This guy's in a bar, & sees that the barkeep has this dog, who's wearing a Jr. sweater.
Well, the race comes on, & a few laps in, ol' Junior gets into the top 20. You can see the dog's just riveted to the set, wagging his tail.
A bit later, Jr moves into the top 15. Now the dog's on his feet, prancing around a bit.
A bit later still, Jr gets into the top 10. Now our furry friend is really getting excited, dancing around, letting out little woofs.
End of the race comes, Junior finishes third. The dog is going absolutely berzerk, jumping, barking, etc.
The guy says to the barkeep "Wow! that dog of yours is quite the Junior fan. What's he do if Junior actually wins?"
"I dunno", replied the barkeep. "I've only had him a year & a half."

A couple is going through a custody battle, their little boy gets on the stand, the judge says, "son, do you want to live with your mommy or your daddy?" the little boy replies, "well, I don't know, they both keep beating me"
astonished the judge says "who could you go live with that wouldn't beat you?" the little boy answers "Kurt Busch... he can't beat anyone"
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