On The Road (highway) Pet Peeves



what do other drivers do that really piss you off?
I think this will be a fun thread.
I think my biggest roadway pet peeve is folks not using their turn signals. I'll have to think a little bit more, I'm sure I have many more, but that is the biggest one!
Yep, people that drive in the passing lane.

And people that feel the need to pull out in front of me on a two lane road when there was no one behind me for miles.
i hate when peoplerun red lights.
I hate when people hurry up to get around you and get in front of you then slam ontheir brakes because they beat you to a red light.
People that merge onto a highway and swerve all the way over into the passing lane right away...even though there is no one in the first two lanes.
1. People who, when traffic is stopped on the interstate for construction, feel the need to travel on the median or the right hand breakdown area.

2. Again on interstates or any 4-lane road, people who play the box-in game...won't pass you until they drive you into the back of a chicken truck or whatever.
I hate when people pull out right in fornt of you. Another thing I hate is getting stuck behind a car with no break lights.
People who don't use turn signals amd those who read the newspaper, use the cell phone, put on makeup, eat pizza whhile driving down the highway. :dual9mm:
People who drive in the center turning lane just to gain two ro three spots.
People who will drive up the outside emergency lane 2 or3 thousand ft. Then force their way into the line of trafic.
People who drive for 47 miles with a turn signal on. Irritates me to no end.

People who whiz past at breakneck speed, only to stop and turn at the next corner --- getting to the corner first by maybe 10 seconds.

People who drive just off the left rear of my car. Won't pass or get in behind.
Here's another one that bothers me:

You have plenty of warning that there is a lane closed for construction on the highway. People peeve me that drive ALL THE WAY to the "Lane closed" sign and they can't drive any further and then FORCE their way over into the moving lane of traffic. Basically, you shouldn't have waited that long to get over!

We have LOTS of freeway construction here in our great state of Texas (they didn't know didly squat about building freeways when they built these) and there is not enough roadway to handle all of the vehicles on the existing roadways, so they are constantly adding to them.
Okay this list could go on and on!
1.People who drive too slow.
2.People who do not use their turn signals.
3.People who pass me than decide they want to drive 10 mph below the speed limit.
4.People who pull out in front of me.
5.People who wait for an invitation to pull out of some where.
6.People who will pull behind you in a parking lot and wait for your spot and you haven't even unloaded your bags from the cart yet. (when I used to smoke, I would get in and smoke a whole cig, before I would even start the car just to annoy them.)
There are a ton more!
Man I have issues!!!

Yep, the Gulf Freeway was started in the 1950s. They are still working on it. I figure they get to one end, go back to the beginning and start over.
Originally posted by TexasRaceLady@Feb 11 2003, 04:55 PM

Yep, the Gulf Freeway was started in the 1950s. They are still working on it. I figure they get to one end, go back to the beginning and start over.
Well, it's the truth. They fix the freeway and then decide that it's not wide enough. At least the Fort Worth Mixmaster is pretty much completed. Now they are working on some of the crossover bridges to the east of it(to be closed up to 2 years) and you have to drive about 5-6 miles out of your way just to get where you want to go. CRAZY!!!!
I don't play well with others, so basically anyone who gets in my way of getting where I want to be is irritating to me. :p
I hate it when people chase you. Yep it happened to me and it wasn't a cop. ;) But this person followed me all around town. It was kinda scary but I finially ditched him.

I also hate it when people get close right behind you with their brights on...man that pisses me off. Then I slow down and they pass me and its my turn for a little "pay back". hahaha :lol: Not really. :D
Everything everyone has already mentioned plus: People who can't drive faster than 30 in the snow! If you can't drive in it, stay F"N home. Grrrrrrrrrrrr, now I'm all worked up.

Also instead of giving someone the finger, following them, or flasshing you brights on them after they cut you off, give them the thumbs up and smile! That has really worked well for me :) They either feel like an idiot, or get really upset :D
I agree with what everyone has said.

The waiting until the very last moment to get into the lane when the other is closed due to construction is my biggest. In KS City when there was some major construction a while back, we were waiting in line at 5 pm, I know very stupid, and for quite a long time and big semi trucks would drive up to the point where they had to merge because the lane ended and expect to be let in right away regardless of how long everyone else had been waiting.

People who get scared when it starts snowing or sprinkling and it isn't even sticking or worth talking about.

And because I do a lot of country road night driving, people who keep their brights on until you are a few feet from then and ignore you flashing your lights at them. Or drive behind you with brights on. If you can see taillights or headlights you shouldn't have your brights on. That isn't too hard, is it?
Originally posted by nascarwoman@Feb 11 2003, 05:21 PM
People who don't use turn signals amd those who read the newspaper, use the cell phone, put on makeup, eat pizza whhile driving down the highway. :dual9mm:
I think the best ...or should I say the worst I witnessed was 2 years ago traveling north on I-95 in Florida one sunday morning. I was driving a semi in the right lane doing 70 MPH. Looking in my left side view mirror, I watched as a young lady in a Honda slowing overtook me in the left lane.

Being a "curious" :rolleyes: truck driver, when she got along side I looked down into her car and lo and behold there she was with an open book stuck inside the steering wheel.

"Reading and driving" at 75 MPH. That was a new one for me. :eek:

I have to chime in.

blinker on for miles,talking on cell phone,other hand fliping someone off,steering w/knees while speeding!

Sometimes I wish I were a cop.
lets see when ur at a red light and ugly guys are tryin to motion, or talk to me. when i have the right a way and i dont get it, slow grandma drivers, no turn signals, squealing their tires because they thinks its cool, mexican drivers
that drive with out insurance or a lisence man, i could go on for hours...
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